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T. Stokes London

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I live near the US embassy, and i watched the huge numbers of shoes continually dumped outside both the US and Israeli embassies, shoes are a symbol in the Mid East of displeasure and upset at the bloodshed of these fake wars.

Figures from the freedom Of Information office, ( F.O.A )  state that up until 2011 upwards of 11,000 British army troops have gone awol from the start of the Iraq invasion in 2003.

Liam Fox and the M.O.D. have said by far the  the largest  number was for domestic rather than military reasons,

but this is very easily contradicted by the armies own medical records.

Many of these soldiers have said they joined up to protect the British nation not to partake in these illegal wars, and massive guilt and anger is a common emotion among these soldiers, who have lost more men to US friendly fire than Iraqi defenders.

The well known Dr.David Halpern who is one of those campaigning for a proper inquest into the death of Dr David Kelly 

and an expert on war injuries, said quote; 'Tony Blair in bringing Britian into these illegal wars

has commited war crimes as grievous as any of Stalin's red armies, and proved the allegations he is a psychopath of huge proportions'

Tony Blair and Alleister Campbell who fudged up the 'dodgy dossier' with its claims that Saddham Hussein had these WMDs and could send them to Britian in 45 minutes, were according to MI5, like the USA totally in the grip of the Israel lobby who wanted carte blanche across the middle east and Iraq was top of the list of 7 countries that had to be wiped off the map.

The majority of Britian's troops felt strongly that Israel should fight its own wars, and they did not want to be involved in racist wars by proxy, others said that the huge marches at home in Britian showed the British public was not behind the government who was acting illegally, and these soldiers did not want to go against thier families and country,
some claimed they were even told they were there as peacekeepers.
Other recruits were quite low IQ and did not understand the situation and initially swallowed the official propaganda, and could not understand why if these muslims were so dangerous why the government had filled up our country with them.
 Head of Britians Royal Navy at the time of the Iraq invasion Admiral Sir Allan West questioned the legality of the war, and did not want the navy involved at all, while the US army claimed that 20% of its soldiers also suffered from acute depression and 15% from acute anxiety or combat stress, on record are 8000 US personel with the courage to desert from Iraq listed with the US authorities, unofficial sources are higher, the lack of any moral leadership from the church has been noticeable, only one  churchman from the deep south in the church newsletter made the statement;
 'If you cant afford to lose your husband or father, dont send him to these wars'
No records exist of how many Iraqi Lebanese or Palestinian people  have died through depleted uranium, but estimations on record quoted in my regular Preventative Psychiatry E newsletter show over 10,000 US personel have died through this contact,
true numbers of US deaths have been well hidden from the US public.
The recent death of the anti war activist Brian Haw, showed a colossal outpouring of grief from the international community
who already angry at the enforced rendition ( illegal kidnap and torture ) of many living in the UK, were very against British and US government war policies, and were more in support of Iran  than Israel with its horrific human rights record and manipulation of foreign policy, along with its horrific nuclear arsenal, and a recent phone poll claimed the British people were particularly against another war this time on Iran, despite active propaganda by the notorious BBC and controlled newspapers, peace activists have highlighted the lies and manipulations to get the people to fight both these wars, the vietnam war
and even  W W II.
Its time the people told government, no more false flag attacks, no more hate crimes against other countries, and no more wars for profit.
T Stokes london
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From: AP

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Sent: Monday, July 04, 2011 1:38 AM