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Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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      "We can continue on our current path of policies

      that threaten our freedoms, our families, and our

      finances-or we can join the powerful new resurgence

      of the age-old principles that are the foundation

      of the U.S. Constitution."   Excerpt from Ken

      Blackwell and Ken Klukowski's new book "Resurgent."


      Please read my important message below - Mat.

Yesterday, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 2-1 in favor of ObamaCare and the federal government in the case of "Thomas More Law Center v. Obama."

Like our case, "Liberty University v. Geithner," the Sixth Circuit case challenged the authority of the government to mandate the purchase of healthcare insurance. The case actually drew three different opinions, including a dissenting opinion that attacked the far-reaching dangers this law could impose on the American people.

      This ruling is NOT the final word on ObamaCare. In

      fact, we are expecting a decision in our case from

      the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals any day now. 

But yesterday's ruling does indicate how diverse the opinions of judges are in the lower courts - based in large part upon how their political ideologies influence their interpretation of law!

Right now, in six rulings, various courts have ruled in favor of ObamaCare by a tally of 4-2.  But those numbers are not particularly predictive of future rulings, especially as multiple-judge panels begin weighing in on the core issues.

The diversity of rulings is the main reason why most observers agree that the final round will be fought at the United States Supreme Court. This is also a good reason I believe Liberty Counsel will be presenting our argument to the Supreme Court, possibly as early as next spring.

      We are confident that ObamaCare will eventually

      be struck down! Congress clearly exceeded its

      authority when it sought to force every American

      into the health insurance market by forcing them

      to buy insurance from a private party.

The ObamaCare cases are among the most important ever to advance in the federal court system, and our case is at the forefront of those making their way toward resolution at the Supreme Court.  Because the outcome of this vital  litigation will impact every American, I feel it is worthy of exceptional support.  

++A special gift when you help strike down ObamaCare!

The new, best-selling book "Resurgent: How Constitutional Conservatism Can Save America" by Ken Blackwell and Ken Klukowski, is a vital read for all Americans who want to "see the path forward" from the morass of liberalism the Obama Administration has brought us. 

By special arrangement with the authors, this splendid book can be yours when you send a gift of $30 or more to Liberty Counsel to help undergird our ongoing litigation to get ObamaCare declared unconstitutional!

Go here to send a special gift and learn more about "Resurgent":

"Resurgent: How Constitutional Conservatism Can Save America" by Blackwell and Klukowski is a blueprint and insightful plan for America's corrective course back to being a nation that our founders would recognize. This book, in my mind, is one that deserves to have a place in every conservative household in America.

The authors lay out a decisive policy agenda of constitutional fixes for our greatest national problems - from retirement, to education, to social issues, to taxes, and many other vital issues.

Why is this book so timely? 

Here is one example. In the book, Blackwell and Klukowski detail the threat of how radical activist judges have tried to reshape the Constitution and, therefore, pose a tremendous threat to every American's future rights. 

At Liberty Counsel, we are experiencing the legal realities of a judiciary being recast into a liberal mindset every day!  We are facing the very problems Blackwell and Klukowski have warned about in this book and others.

Mark my words: Nowhere is the battle for the preservation of our Constitution more evident than in Liberty Counsel's lawsuit against ObamaCare!

++ The most astounding court admission I have yet encountered.

If you recall from early June during my oral arguments before the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals, I heard the Acting Solicitor General admit that he believed Congress COULD force individuals to buy certain food like, for instance, wheat!

      By the government's own admission, if ObamaCare is

      upheld Congress would no longer have any limitations

      on its regulatory power. Today it is health insurance,

      but tomorrow it could be food, transportation, housing,

      or whatever!

      The Obama Department of Justice (DOJ) under Attorney

      General Eric Holder is twisting the Constitution into

      an unrecognizable shadow of itself in an attempt to

      defend the indefensible ObamaCare healthcare "reform"


++ Subverting the Constitution starts at the top. 

As you also know, President Obama has "deemed" the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) to be unconstitutional and indefensible, placing his opinion above the nation's legislature and the

Just before the recent vote in New York's Senate, President Obama reminded pro-homosexual supporters of his efforts to  advance "Hate Crimes" legislation and to repeal the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy - both of which were majorpro-homosexual initiatives. 

Time and time again, we have watched legislative processes being short-circuited by the radical congressional leadership working in concert with Obama Administration arm-twisters.

      They have employed unconstitutional power-grabs,

      legislative trickery, backroom deals, and Chicago-

      style politics in burdening us with plagues like


And as you know, the President has surrounded himself with extremist, agenda-driven "czars" and other unelected, unvetted officials. He is blatantly manipulating federal agencies to sidestep the constitutionally prescribed checks and balances of our federal government! 

++Blackwell and Klukowski shine a light on all this darkness.

In "Resurgent," using the U.S. Constitution as their reliable, trustworthy compass, the authors guide us through our current political minefield, showing how both Democrats and Republicans alike have led our country astray.

They reveal startling connections between the crash of the economy, the collapse of the family, and the rise of big

government. This section of their narrative provides an invaluable revelation of "how did we get into this mess," and - even better - how we can get back on track.

Blackwell and Klukowski have effectively laid out a policy agenda of "constitutional fixes" for our greatest national problems.

Click here to make a gift and receive your free copy:

 I must continue to ask for your support in defraying the extraordinary costs incurred in fighting against ObamaCare's implementation.  No matter which waythe Fourth Circuit ruling comes down, we will continue to prepare this case for the eventual trip to the U.S. Supreme Court.

We depend on friends who give $30, $50, $100, $500 - whatever the Lord leads - so we can stay involved in this crucial battle.

Please make a tax-deductible gift of any amount for our many ongoing cases, including our upcoming battle with the ACLU in Santa Rosa County, Florida coming up in mid-July.

As always, THANK YOU for all you do as a key member of the Liberty Counsel team!

God bless you,

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel

P.S. I believe the book "Resurgent: How Constitutional Conservatism Can Save America" by Ken Blackwell and Ken Klukowski is a necessary read for any American who wants to understand the pivotal legal and political issues of our day.  Remember, it's yours for a gift of $30 or more to Liberty Counsel to help defray the ongoing costs of our ObamaCare litigation.

+ + Comments? Questions?

 Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776