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Stephanie B -

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Dear friends:

The future of Aung San Suu Kyi and her amazing movement for democracy in Burma is hanging in the balance this week, and we could make the difference.


Suu Kyi has bravely called on the military regime to free the thousands of monks and peaceful activists still held in horrific prisons, some in cramped dog cages. Unprecedentedly, thousands of Burmese have risked their own safety to join her call for freedom through an online petition! Yesterday, the regime issued an ominous warning to Suu Kyi – and the Generals may be deciding right now between dialogue or another brutal crackdown.


This could come down to us. Activists in Burma have appealed to the world for help, saying that pressure from the international community is crucial to preventing violence and freeing political prisoners. Let's stand with Suu Kyi and the brave Burmese, sign on to their petition, and send it to the EU, India and other key governments who can press the regime. Sign below and forward this email to build our outcry:


International pressure, including a massive Avaaz campaign, helped free Aung San Suu Kyi, who spent 15 years in detention. But over 2000 of her fellow political prisoners remain in filthy jails, some in cramped, lice-filled kennels normally used for military dogs. Suu Kyi has consulted widely with the Burmese people since she was freed and is now making the push to release political prisoners -- her first major effort to press the regime for change. The future of Burma could depend on their response.


Suu Kyi led the party that won Burma's last real democratic elections in 1992. After a military coup, the brave Burmese have pursued a peaceful non-violent movement for democracy and rights, facing killings, torture and intimidation in response. Pressed by economic woes, international sanctions and national strife, the military junta has tried to set up a fake democracy -- but Suu Kyi's movement is still banned and her campaign for prisoner release is a key test of whether the Generals will allow real change.


Burma has suffered too long. Let's stand with this incredible woman and help her put her country on the road to democracy. Sign below and forward this email to everyone:


Our community has stood with the Burmese people many times. Our massive petition and ad campaign in 2007 helped build an unprecedented level of international outcry against the crackdown then. Avaaz members also donated to provide technical support and training to Burmese activists who faced an internet and phone blackout. We sent millions of dollars and euros in relief funds after a devastating cyclone. Now, the Burmese are appealing again for support -- let's answer their call for help.


With hope and determination,


Stephanie, Alex, Pascal, Giulia, Ricken, Brianna, Morgan, Emma and the rest of the Avaaz team





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Nobel Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi's movement for democracy in Burma is hanging in the balance this week, with the regime threatening a brutal response to her call to free political prisoners. Activists have appealed to the world for help, saying international pressure is crucial to tipping the balance. Let's stand with Suu Kyi and the brave Burmese:


Sign the petition