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Obama demands tax increases; sets 'hard deadline'


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President Obama today threw down the Big Government gauntlet.

Not only did he demand that Congress raise taxes but he fixed August 2 as the "hard deadline" for getting it done.

Obama and the Big Government forces in D.C. have now raised the stakes and are saying they will accept nothing less than HIGHER TAXES AND MORE DEBT! Fortunately, tens of thousands of citizens are issuing their own clear DEMANDS to Congress regarding spending and debt:

               Cut, Cap and Balance!   

A strong coalition of grassroots organizations and members of Congress are uniting behind this straightforward solution to runaway government spending and debt. The "Cut, Cap and Balance" pledge demands that the following conditions are met before any increase in the debt ceiling:

   #1 -- Substantial CUTS in spending that will reduce the


   #2 -- Spending CAPS that put the government on a path to

         a balanced budget.

   #3 -- Passage of the Balanced Budget Amendment BEFORE

         any votes on raising the debt ceiling!

Cut, Cap and Balance is similar to Grassfire Nation's "Cap, Cut and Grow" petition launched last year, but adds the specific requirement of a Balanced Budget Amendment before any votes on raising the debt ceiling.

If you support a Balanced Budget Amendment and want real Caps and Cuts before any debt ceiling votes, go here to sign the Cut, Cap and Balance petition:

Grassfire Nation will ensure that your petition is delivered BEFORE any key votes on raising the debt ceiling.

Again, tens of thousands of citizens are uniting behind a clear solution to the spending and debt crisis: CUT, CAP AND BALANCE! If you support this plan, go here to sign:

Grassfire Nation

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2011 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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June 30, 2011