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Dream Act Amnesty coming to Ohio

Grassfire Nation Update

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Working with both the Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and elitist liberal Senators, President Obama is aggressively resurrecting the DREAM Act -- and if successful, this amnesty nightmare will make its way to Ohio!

Fox News is reporting that Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) is holding the first-ever Senate hearing today (Tuesday, June 28) on the DREAM Act, in an attempt to convince fellow members of the Senate that ushering in widespread amnesty through the DREAM Act will "make our country stronger."

Even worse, Obama and ICE Director John Morton have issued expanded guidelines to ICE's Detention and Operations handbook that instruct agents to exercise discretion on a case-by-case basis -- including NOT enforcing existing immigration laws if the illegals committing minor crimes are enrolled in a school or have ties to the U.S. military!

You've heard that right. In our President's zeal to do away with our borders, he is now ordering ICE agents to look the other way!

Without question this is the most nefarious push for widespread amnesty that we have ever seen -- and a cold slap in the face to EVERY TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZEN.

+ + Emergency Petition Delivery to Sen. Dick Durbin

Make no mistake, this is a well-planned effort to sneak amnesty into our country while taxpayers are pre-occupied with our nation's spending and debt crisis and the arrival of ObamaCare.

Obama and his liberal cronies are betting that taxpayers won't have the strength or the fortitude to fight off this latest and most aggressive amnesty wave.

Grassfire Nation is betting otherwise!

That's why we've launched a national "No Amnesty for Illegals" petition that already has more than 243,744 signers!

We are sounding the call-to-arms alert to every American -- urging them to sign our petition opposing all forms of amnesty. As soon as we reach 300,000 signers we will deliver them DIRECTLY to Sen. Durbin and other key lawmakers in this debate -- letting them know that law-abiding U.S. citizens are in this amnesty fight to win it!

Our records show that you have not yet added your name to this important petition and as such we cannot represent you on Capitol Hill during this critical time. Don't allow Obama and Dick Durbin to disrespect you, your family and your flag.

Take a moment to stand for law and order in the U.S. by adding your name to our "No Amnesty for Illegals" petition right now.

Click here to sign and to be included in our upcoming delivery: <a href="">

After signing, take a few additional moments to alert your friends and family. Encourage them to join with you in the fight to preserve our liberty and sovereignty by clicking below and signing our petition:


Obama is banking  Americans not having the fight in their bellies to oppose this latest push. Prove him wrong by signing our petition and allowing Grassfire Nation to represent you in our nation's Capital during this critical upcoming petition delivery! Thank you in advance for standing with us.

Your friends at Grassfire Nation P.S. Again, we must quickly reach 300,000 signers and are depending on you to help us rally your friends and family. Urge them to click below to sign:


 + + + + +

Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Copyright 2011 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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June 28, 2011