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Greek Army Threatens Military Coup Sparking Fears of Military Uprisings And Civil Wars Breaking Out Across All Of Europe

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Greek Army Threatens Military Coup Saying “We Will Not Be Sold To Foreign Powers” Ahead Of IMF Bailout Loan Vote Sparking Fears Of Military Uprisings And Civil Wars Spreading Across Europe. Military Officers And Police Forces Are Now Joining The Protests.

I recently wrote that the Greek Revolution has succeeded and the Government agreed to step down and create a new Government.

Revolution Succeeds In Greece!!! Protestors Overthrow Government. New Government To Be Formed.

The Greek Revolution Has Succeeded In Forcing The Government To Step Down In The Midst Of Massive Protests Calling For The Regime of Corrupt Government And Crooked Banks To Be Replaced With Real Democracy.


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That announcement came amidst violent protests, and as Tyler Durden pointed out, was nothing but a bold face lie meant to placate the masses. Soon after the announcement and the subsequent calming of the masses, the Greek Prime minister announced he would not be stepping down, instead would only be reshuffling top cabinet officials and would ask for a vote of no confidence from the corrupt parliament that is looking to put over stressed tax payers on the hook for an international loan with 30% plus interest rates to bailout crooked greedy bankers.

Needless to say, the Prime Minister survived the vote of no confidence,  and the Greek Government is set to vote for and approve the IMF bailout loan under banker controlled corporate media threats that financial Armageddon will hit the world if the vote does not pass.

Economists, MSM Warn Of Global ‘Armageddon Scenarios’ As The Masses Riot In Europe And Calls For Revolution Spread To The US

Economists, MSM Warn Of Global ‘Armageddon Scenarios’ As The Masses Riot In Europe And Calls For Revolution Spread To The US

Economists and the mainstream media are warning of a global “Armageddon Scenarios” as the masses continue to riot in revolt against the banks and calls for revolution spread into the US.

If you have watched the news today there is report after report of the Global markets being in a stage of economic collapse very similar to the financial meltdown of 2008.

The economic upheaval is strongly tied the massive rights and protests in Greece, Spain and in fact through out all of Europe.

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However those threats do little to deter the people across Europe who feel that they have nothing left. In a Land of broken people suffering harsh austerity to pay the tab for greedy bankers, who continue to participate in the same acts of fraud and reckless behavior that cause the Global financial meltdown in the first place, have had enough and apparently so have the police and military forces.

Several news agencies out of Europe are reporting that Army and Police officers have joined the people in the riots against the banks to protest what is being perceived by European nationals as the sale of national sovereignty to foreign powers.


Greek Army Threatens Military Coup Sparking Fears Of Civil War Breaking Out All Across Europe

Greek Army Threatens Military Coup Sparking Fears Of Civil War Breaking Out All Across Europe

Xander News reports (translation):


Greek Army threatens coup

Jose Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, last year a prescient when he said to fear that several Southern European countries may fall prey to civil war and their democracy would be lost? Several Greek troops have now indeed threatened a military coup against the government because the Greek people, according to the union officer ANEAD feel “to foreign powers to be sold”.

Especially in Europe it is normal for the military’s political neutrality and not interfere with drafting the policy of the government. The call of the Greek officers association is therefore highly unusual, especially considering that the press spokesman for the ANEAD literally said that the army “will not tolerate violation of the Constitution, not the defense of our sovereignty should be.” That was a clear threat to the address of the current Greek government.

The Greek Parliament, this week to decide whether, in exchange for a new rescue package sovereign rights will give, such as self-determining the nature and extent of the enormous necessary cuts, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), by trends forecaster Gerald Celente recently so aptly renamed the International Fund Mafia.

Overt threats of military coup

Under Greek reservists are now quite openly discussed a possible military coup. More and more soldiers to join police officers, customs officials and the Coast Guard since last week in Athens openly against the government are going to demonstrate. The Greek Defence Minister speaks of “dangerous activities” of Greek officers and made public a letter in which officers are threatening to “ward off” the current government.

Between 1967 and 1974, Greece was ruled once before by a military dictatorship that came to power by a comparable domestic crisis today. In February this year, the Greek government under the guise of preparing for deployment abroad, the military exercise on the suppression of demonstrations and riots in urban areas. That was a clear signal that the government was considering to deploy the army against the people. Now it seems that the military no longer the government can be trusted.

After Greece, Spain and Portugal also

At the moment Greece is the second, roughly € 100 billion big ‘reddings’ fonds rushed through it, and again the hand will have to cease, the opposition from other EU countries such as Germany and the Netherlands, probably even greater. Is it a military coup in Greece, or even threaten countries like Spain and Portugal, also on the verge of bankruptcy balance, again to fall prey to a military dictatorship. The danger of civil wars in these countries occur is increasing, because the greenhouse is empty and it is clear that the citizens will no longer pick up that, while social services are taken away, the European banks and insurers still be saved.

Barroso would have predicted that it may soon be done to democracy in Greece, Spain and Portugal, so get to be right. The nervousness in financial markets will now increase. Spain already pays more than 6% interest on its government bonds, and as it stands is that 7% soon. The experiences in Greece, Ireland and Portugal show that 7% interest is untenable, causing a crash can not happen. Spain will also have to rely on the euro emergency fund, but that by no means sufficient.

Eurozone and EU end?

Spain, like Greece need huge cuts go, it would be the Spanish army that can be perceived as an attack on national sovereignty . If it is thought that Italy and Belgium also financially dangerous water rafting, it’s not hard to imagine that the end of the eurozone and perhaps even the entire European Union will result. For the globalist political and financial elite, this is a nightmare scenario, but for the freedom-loving Europeans it is the only hope to escape from the stranglehold of the Brussels dictatorship.

Source: Xander News

Kopp Online reports that the Governments were warned against the threat of military coups over a year ago, and nations across all of Europe may soon find themselves in a showdown with their own military just as the nation of Greece is facing today (translation):

Athens: Greek army over possible military takeover talks

Torben Grombery

There is great news for countries Domino: DC several Greek military now openly threatened with a possible military coup. The Greek government is deeply insecure.

Greece has in the officer’s union ANEAD informed about their chairman, the Greek people have the feeling of being sold to foreign powers. In no European army, it is normal for an officer associations expressed in this form. Military should maintain strict political neutrality. Is independent of the above statement then also, however, the press spokesman of the officer’s union expressed with words, let that sit up. “We are not injury tolerate the Constitution, which does not serve to defend our national sovereignty,” This was a clear threat to the ( yet) reigning Athens civilian government.

For the Greek Parliament will decide yes this week, in return for the new rescue package to cede sovereignty to the IMF to make and impose itself, which must be made spending cuts. In the Greek Association of reservists are now talking openly about a possible military coup. More and more soldiers are also for those who are police officers, customs officials and the Coast Guard to close the show since this week also openly on the streets of Athens against the government. The Greek Defence Minister Panos Beglitis speaks of “dangerous activities” of Greek officers. And he published a letter from officers, which stated that they would “defend this government.”From 1967 to 1974, Greece had experienced a military dictatorship, a similar domestic political crisis was preceded as the current one. In February 2011, the Greek government (disguised as a preparation for alleged military operations abroad ), the Greek army to quell riots and demonstrations have to practice in urban areas. At that time they apparently planned the military operation in the interior. But now she can no longer rely on their own army. For the EU a military coup in Athens came as no surprise. European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso warned of exactly one year (mid-June 2010) during a meeting with union leaders before apocalyptic conditions in Europe.

If the funding provided by emergency parachutes for bankrupt EU countries were not sufficient (which is predictable), it will soon be civil war and may also give military coups in the EU . Barroso said before the then visibly shocked union leaders in countries such as Greece, Spain and Portugal would then belong to the democracy of the past very quickly. The dictatorship would return. It threatens to bankrupt several EU countries, a military coup. Also, the risk of civil wars in many EU member states will increasingly likely, because the coffers are empty, but the citizens of their usual social services would continue to demand.

It looks like you could keep Barroso’s prognosis right. Barroso, predicted that there might be next in Greece and Spain and Portugal in a military coup. Spain is now paying more than 6 percent interest on government bonds. Takes the nervousness in financial markets with a view of the euro area continues to grow, Spain will have to pay almost 7 percent. The experience in Greece, Ireland and Portugal have shown is that unstoppable from 7 percent interest on government bonds of the crash. Then Spain would soon be ripe for the bailout. And by then would revolt in Spain and Portugal, the military, because they evaluate the tough austerity measures, like the Greek military as controlled by outside intervention in national sovereignty.

June 22, 2011