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Poisoning Frogs, Water... Senate Vote Today, June 21, 2011!

Caroline Kennedy, Defenders of Wildlife

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It doesn’t take much to kill a frog. Just a small amount of poison will do it.

Unfortunately, a key Senate Committee is about to vote on a bill that would result in a continued glut of toxins in the streams, rivers, ponds and other waters that frogs, fish and people need to survive.

The vote could come as soon as tomorrow. Please speak out for clean water and healthy wildlife.

The makers and users of toxic pesticides have launched a full-court press to fight new protections against pesticide contamination of our nation’s waterways and I need your help to stop them.

Our health – and the health of our wildlife – is at stake.


  • Pesticide contamination of water causes reproductive and developmental problems in frogs, fish and other wildlife, which in turn disrupts the food chain, and can result in broad negative effects on aquatic ecosystems.
  • Human health suffers as well when people consume pesticide-contaminated fish or drinking water.

As a member of the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Committee, your Senator holds the key to stopping the pesticide industry from continuing to contaminate our water.

Take action now. Write your senator today.

HR 872 and S. 718 would prevent the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency from finalizing and implementing a new general permit that will help reduce the levels of pesticide in our nation’s waters.

This permit process these bills would block is vitally necessary to safeguarding our wildlife and human health.


According to the Environmental Protection Agency, more than 1,000 waterways in the United States are damaged by pesticides. A recent nationwide study by the U.S. Geological Survey found pesticide contamination in every stream they sampled. And, based on Clean Water Act standards, more than 16,000 miles of water in the U.S. are threatened or impaired by pesticides and are not usable for fishing, swimming or drinking.

We need more – not fewer – protections for our water and the wildlife that counts on it to survive. Please urge your Senator to oppose H.R. 872 and S. 718.

With enough support, we can stop the pesticide industry from compromising our water. Please take action now.

With Gratitude,

Caroline Kennedy, Defenders of Wildlife

Caroline Kennedy

Senior Director, Field Conservation

Defenders of Wildlife