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Final Call to Answer Google's Attack on Family

Grassroots Action - Penny Nance Chief Executive Officer

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CWA is delivering letters to Google in response to their recent attack on our families. See below.

Grassroots Action


Penny Nance

Concerned Women for America

As you know, Google is sponsoring a nationwide homosexual "tolerance" ad campaign that targets our children as young as ten years old.

On Monday, we will begin delivering the co-signatures for my letter to Google telling them to sever ties with this radical group that is targeting our children.

Our records show that you have not yet co-signed this letter to Google. Please go here now to co-sign and be included in this delivery:

Thank you so much putting families first.

Penny Nance

Chief Executive Officer

P.S. If you want more details on Google's attack campaign, go here to read my letter to Google which includes the shocking details surrounding this blatant assault on our families:

Then, please co-sign my letter:

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Grassroots Action, Inc. is an Internet services company that provides news, information and grassroots action services and strategies to individuals and organizations.

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