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The Great U.S. Con is on ... again

Grassfire Nation Update

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It's happening again ...

In darkened hallways, offices, private meetings are taking place throughout Capitol Hill as lawmakers scheme dirty backroom deals on the debt ceiling.

As in the past, they aren't really addressing their spending problem, but rather how to best pull the wool over the eyes of the American people ...

Earlier this year, President Obama demanded daily briefings, and often summoned his top economic advisors to his office to discuss the skyrocketing debt crisis.

But no more ...

Obama no longer demands daily briefings. In fact, like Pontius Pilate, he has washed his hands of the problem -- leaving it to bankers and corrupt politicians to hammer something out.

 Congress isn't interested in touching any of the big, controversial spending issues. Instead they are plotting a grand con, a type of Capitol Hill stage production designed to mislead the public into believing they are serious about spending.

This is an affront to the American people!

That's why Grassfire Nation is calling on members of our team to flood Congress with our exclusively designed "Pre-Declined" credit cards. We want EVERY MEMBER OF CONGRESS TO BE OVERWHELMED WITH EMBOSSED CARDS TELLING THEM IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS THAT THEY ARE PRE-DECLINED FROM SPENDING ANY MORE OF OUR MONEY!

Go here now to see the card and take steps to confront your members of Congress by sending them directly to their offices:

 Americans need to cut-off the con -- to stop it dead in its tracks with a stark, no-nonsense message that we are done with the games, the lies, the misleads, the backroom brokering.

But it's not good enough just to trickle in a few cards to every member of Congress. That's why we are calling on our team to help us send 50 cards or more to every office on Capitol Hill!

And we aren't just going to let Obama turn his back on this crisis. That's why we are also shipping our Pre-Declinedcards DIRECTLY TO THE WHITE HOUSE as well!

Join those who are stepping in to break up the schemes and shadowy deals before we are conned again by clicking here now:

After scheduling your PRE-DECLINED card for delivery, please alert your friends and family members to take action as well!

Thank you for taking action with Grassfire Nation!

Grassfire Nation

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2011 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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June 15, 2011