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How Google Attacked Your Family

Penny Nance Concerned Women for Americ

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Please see Penny Nance's report below on how Google attacked your family. The liberal media will never tell this story.

Grassroots Action

A few days ago, I shared with you how Google is sponsoring a nationwide homosexual "tolerance" ad campaign that targets our children as young as ten years old.

And how the founder of that campaign, Dan Savage, specifically called my fourth grader the "target demo" of their multi- million dollar campaign -- admitting that homosexuals are working to invade our families and reach our children at this impressionable age.

I asked you to co-sign my letter to Google and their partners in this effort -- Fox, American Idol and Disney. Thousands of CWA friends took action, and for that I'm grateful. I want to deliver these co-signatures to Google next Monday. If you have not yet co-signed my letter, please go here now so I can include your name with mine in this strongly worded statement to Google telling them to sever ties with this radical group that is targeting our children:

Let's be clear...

A radical homosexual activist has openly admitted that our children as young as ten years old are his "target demo";

He has publicly stated that the real goal of his campaign is to get into our families and that's why he is using the most popular television show in the nation (American Idol) to do so.

And Google, American Idol, Fox and Disney have endorsed this attack on our families!

I'm sure the bigwigs at Google expect you and I to roll overand just accept this. But I refuse. Please stand with me.

Penny Nance

P.S. In case you missed it in my last email, go here to read my letter to Google which includes the shocking details

surrounding this blatant assault on our families:

Then, please co-sign my letter:

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Grassroots Action, Inc. is an Internet services company that provides news, information and grassroots action services and strategies to individuals and organizations.

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June 14, 2011