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You pay taxes, these guys don't

US Action

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Our leaders are supposed to be working for working Americans, not just their multi-millionaire donors.

But Republicans in Congress are doing just the opposite by proposing to kill Medicare, cut education and destroy our social safety net, while at the same time extending tax cuts for millionaires and corporations - which do nothing to create jobs.1 It's not fair that the average millionaire gets over $100,000 a year in tax breaks while families struggle with a tattered economy and 9% unemployment.

This isn't about deficits, it's about who our government works for. Conservatives in Congress think they work for the corporations and the super-rich. We know different, and we're fighting to prove it:

Yesterday, USAction and our partners held protests, press conferences and rallies in 18 states to mark the 10th anniversary of George W. Bush's tax cuts for the super-rich and fight back against cuts in services for the rest of us.2

It's just the start of a major campaign we're planning to end the Bush tax cuts and make the US Budget work for working people again. But we can't start the next phase of our campaign without additional funding.

So I'm asking you to rush a special $35 contribution right now to help us keep the pressure on Congress.


The first four weeks of our campaign have been amazing. Progressive champions Jan Schakowsky and Bernie Sanders have introduced bills in both houses of Congress to make millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share, and together we've sent tens of thousands of messages supporting them. Jut this week, 109 Democrats responded to your messages by writing to Speaker Boehner and demanding that raising taxes on the super rich and corporations must be part of budget negotiations.


But conservatives in Congress aren't giving up. Their plan to end Medicare and give more tax breaks to millionaires has already passed the House and been supported by nearly every Republican in the Senate.3

But we CAN still win this fight, with your support. We've got the President on our side and a slim majority of supporters in the Senate.4 Our plan is to spend the summer ramping up pressure on key members of the House with more events like the ones we put on yesterday – culminating in a major week of action during this August's Congressional recess.

But we can't do any of it without your support. Donate now to make sure this summer marks the 10th and FINAL anniversary of tax cuts for the rich.





Cassandra McKee

USAction / TrueMajority

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