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U.S. Supreme Court Allows States to Enforce Immigration Laws


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Tell Congress to Mandate E-Verify Worker Verification Database Nationwide


Below is a FREE FAX you can send directly to your 2 Senators and U.S. House Representative, by merely pressing the button below.

By a vote of 5-3, the United States Supreme Court ruled that states can revoke the licenses of businesses that do not use the federal E-Verify database to keep illegal aliens out of U.S. jobs. With a 99.7% overall effectiveness rate, this tool is the best option currently available to reduce the presence of illegal aliens in the U.S. economy and put unemployed Americans back to work.

The decision by the U.S. Supreme Court paves the way for Congress to issue E-Verify nationwide. Only then can we see a true reduction our nation's illegal alien population. Please don't delay. Send this critical message to your 2 Senators and U.S. Representative, urging them to support E-Verify nationwide. This is a completely free service. There is no cost to you.



Dear (Your 3 Members of Congress Will Appear Here),

I cannot fathom why Congress has not yet obliged employers to verify the eligibility of every new employee. Please support legislation that would require employers to use the E-Verify system so that our America's unemployed have a decent chance of finding a job.

America's jobless should not have to compete with illegal aliens for jobs, particularly during a recession. Mandating E-Verify would force employers to use the federal E-Verify system to check whether new hires are eligible to work in the U.S. Mandatory E-Verify will ensure that jobs are reserved for citizens and legal residents.

If you are not that familiar with E-Verify, you should know that 96.9 percent of those checked through E-Verify are automatically authorized for employment within seconds and an overall accuracy rate of 99.7%. The program has an extraordinarily high satisfaction rate. And contrary to what critics claim, E-Verify is not a burden on employers and cannot be used selectively for verification based on foreign appearance.

Our state's families are finding it harder and harder to make ends meet and should not have to compete against illegal aliens. Please do the right thing and support legislation that would mandate the use of E-Verify.


(Your Name Will Appear Here)