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'The 15' - Obama's Henchmen – what they mean to you

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The '15"  - Obama's Henchemn and Why AMAC is Against Them


A part of Obamacare that we are finding about now (remember Nancy Pelosi, “we have got to pass it to find out what is in it”) is the Independent Payment Advisory Board.

The Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) always tries to adhere to Ben Franklin’s admonition against name calling when involved in a serious issue of dispute.

So when we first came up with calling the 15 members of this board "Henchmen" we decided to change the name to something more civil. But

The more we realized what those 15 appointees were going to do- we realized that they would have to be ruthless subordinates to do what they are charged with!

Simply put - they are required to propose spending cuts in Medicare and Medicaid!!!

Will you join us to help fight against this?


The White house issued a statement saying that the Independent Payment Advisory Board is prohibited from

......recommending any policies that ration care, raise taxes, increase beneficiary premiums, restrict benefits or modify who is eligible for Medicare.

Common sense - How can they cut spending without doing any of the above?

Answer: They can't.

What they can do is to make cuts that will do ALL of the above without expressly saying what the consequences of their actions are. ( i.e. We will ration health care but won't call it rationing)

AMAC feels we cannot accept a Board that has so much power without being elected.

It would be another case of Taxation without Representation.

AMAC asks; what right does the Federal government have to put a limit on our medical care costs?

America has the "best" Health Care in the world; what right does the government have to restrict it?

AMAC is not alone. Both the American Hospital Association and the American Medical Association are against the Board as proposed. So is the Nursing Home Association and over 72 other health care organizations!

Congressman Paul Ryan has called the Independent Payment Advisory Board a “rationing board”.

Senator John Cornyn (R-Tx) introduced a bill to repeal the board calling it an unelected, unaccountable board of bureaucrats.

AMAC looks at this board as just another attempt to take away ssome our individual Freedom.

Help us stop the 15 Henchmen from being appointed!

If you agree with this.........................please consider joining our Association. We need members like you to give us strength in numbers!

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