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Debt-limit victory close

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Way back in January, when no one else was talking about the debt limit, I told you it was the most important political issue in Washington and represented the only real leverage Republicans had if their goal was returning the U.S. to limited constitutional government in the next two years.

Few paid attention.

To me it was remarkable that Republican leaders – from John Boehner to Karl Rove – were talking instead about the absolute necessity of raising the debt limit beyond $14.3 trillion. I couldn't understand why any conservative would want to trade away the only effective political weapon they had just to negotiate the chance for more business as usual in Washington. Back then, all of the conventional wisdom was the debt limit would be raised – it was a political inevitability.

Then we launched the "No More Red Ink" campaign.

After delivering about 1 million letters to the House Republicans, reminding them of the power they have to stop any new spending initiatives by Barack Obama and to kill plenty of existing ones, including Obamacare, there is a completely new mindset about this issue in Washington.

I want to thank everyone who has participated in this campaign so far for what amounts to a staggering and unexpected victory thus far.

As you know, last week, the House voted 318-97 not to raise the debt limit without spelling out spending cuts. Every Republican voted for the bill along with 81 Democrats, including some leaders.

Though the "No More Red Ink" campaign has not been cited by even one major news source as the reason for this change of climate in Washington, regular readers of this column and WND know that it has been and continues to be the only grass-roots lobbying effort of its kind.

But let me be clear about where we stand: The fight is not over. It's just getting started. We've only won the first skirmish in what will be a protracted war. The goal remains the same. We must get Republicans to say no to any hike in the debt limit – period. No trade-offs, no compromise.

Only this course guarantees Obama and the Democrats are out of business until 2013. Only this course spells the biggest cuts in federal spending in American history. Only this course means Washington will take its first step back toward constitutionally limited government since at least the Reagan era. And it only takes the action of 218 or more courageous House Republicans.

The debt-limit debate should not be a big bluff to persuade Democrats to agree with Republicans on some cuts in spending. The debt limit debate should be about the Republican majority asserting its power to return constitutionally limited government to Washington in the only way they can – by saying no to any more new borrowing.

Are you with me on this?

If so, there's still time to participate and make your voice heard in a dramatic way – through the "No More Red Ink" campaign.

This idea should appeal to all true conservatives.

Don't like Obamacare? This is the quickest, surest way to kill it.

Don't like Planned Parenthood funding? This is the quickest, surest way to kill it.

Don't like subsidies for NPR and PBS? This is the quickest, surest way to kill it.

Don't like the continuation of unconstitutional departments and agencies? This is the quickest, surest way to kill it.

Freezing the debt limit is the magic bullet. It's like being able to wave a magic wand and your wildest dreams come true. It is the ultimate litmus test to determine if someone is a true conservative or not. If they want to increase borrowing, they're not a conservative. If they want to freeze or reduce borrowing, they are probably a true conservative.

I believe we can win total victory on this issue.

That first vote was designed to reduce the grass-roots pressure on Congress – nothing more, nothing less. They want you to believe they are listening. They want you to believe they're going to do what you want them to do. They want you to believe they don't need to hear any more from you on this issue.

Don't believe it.

The Republican leadership is still willing to trade away the debt limit for a mess of pottage.

Now is the time to turn the pressure up, not back off.

This is the biggest political issue of 2011 – and potentially of the 21st century.

A no vote by Republicans on raising the debt limit will make Obama irrelevant for the next two years. How does that sound? Does it sound good enough to get you to participate in the campaign that precipitated this amazing first, but only symbolic, 319-97 vote?

Do it now! If you haven't done so already, be a part of history – join the "No More Red Ink" campaign today.

Joseph Farah

Editor and Chief Executive Officer

Jan. 9, 2011