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Homosexual marriages in military chapels?

Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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Will there soon be wedding bells in United States

      Military Chapels for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and

      transgender (LGBT) couples?  If the Obama

      Administration has their way, the answer will

      be YES!  Patrick, we must stand against the

      Obama Administration's pushing same-sex "marriage"

      in our military and PUSH BACK against their refusal

      to enforce the duly-passed law of the land, the

      Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)! Read my urgent

      message below - Mat.

Based on the Obama Administration's recent memos and posturing, Elaine Donnelly, president of the Center for Military Readiness (CMR), believes, "President Obama wants to deliver a certification of the repeal of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' (DADT) during 'LGBT Pride Month' this June."

That's a purely political objective - something President Obama called for last June and the year before that - and it totally ignores the facts concerning military readiness, unit cohesion, and many other relevant and, frankly, much more important concerns!

      Donnelly, one of the nation's leading experts on

      military readiness,  also suggests that, "the

      president's political promises to LGBT left activists,

      the ones who promote lesbian, gay, bisexual [and]

      transgender causes, are more important than his

      responsibilities as commander in chief."

As I stated on Friday, the House of Representatives recently passed HR 1540, the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Although controversial in some respects and under the threat of a presidential veto, the bill DOES contain important language that creates standards that the military MUST adopt in order to navigate the quagmire the repeal of DADT is causing.

++Now the Administration is trying to force same-sex "marriage" on our military services!

Just because the Obama Administration doesn't want to defend the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is NO EXCUSE for pushing for same-sex "marriage" in our nation's military!

      This outrageous "back door" means of getting federal

      approval of same-sex unions directly violates the

      federal DOMA, a law which is the will of the American

      people and has long been in place!

      But the Obama Administration has reiterated strong

      objection to DOMA, even calling it the "so-called

      Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)," and stating the law

      to be "discriminatory, and supporting DOMA's repeal."

++ Legislation is being drafted in the Senate right now!  Fax your Senators today!

Because President Obama is once again catering to the pro-homosexual voter base, we must push back and INSIST that the United States Senate also adopt these same stringent safeguards in implementing the repeal of "Don't Ask. Don't Tell" into the ranks of our servicemen and women!

      We REJECT the social engineering of enacting a pro-

      homosexual policy for political reasons in this

      critical time for our nation's military personnel.

I'm asking every member of the Liberty Counsel Action team to press hard on Members of the Senate with a strong message demanding that those same safeguards be in place before the Obama Administration does irreparable damage to the readiness, effectiveness, cohesion, and morale of combat arms units and other personnel of our Armed Forces. 

      Liberty Counsel Action's fax barrage is a very

      effective way to get this message to your Senators,

      key Senate leaders - or the entire Senate. 

Everything you need to fax your Senators is contained on our LCA fax page. Click here now to read the DADT repeal guidelines as issued by the House of Representatives - and to fax your two Senators and other key leaders on the Senate Defense Appropriations subcommittee and the Senate Armed Services Committee:

It is absolutely vital that the Senate's version of the Defense Authorization Act presented to the President include those same restrictions on the military's recognition of same-sex "marriage" - and prohibitions of chaplains being forced to perform same-sex "marriage" services! 

'Liberty Counsel Action has long argued that allowing openly practicing homosexuals to serve will damage military readiness, negatively impact morale, and deny religious liberty to those who object as a matter of conscience.

      We will continue using every available means to

      ultimately reverse the repeal of DADT!  But this

      campaign is a necessary and effective way to keep

      pro-homosexual activists from automatically getting

      same-sex "marriage" into the military culture at

      the same time!

Click here to join other Liberty Counsel Action members in telling Senators, our President, and his Administration to adopt stringent safeguards in implementing the repeal of DADT in the ranks of our servicemen and women:

If you prefer, we always encourage you to send your own faxes. We have provided all the information you need toreach Senators here:

THANK YOU for supporting Liberty Counsel Action in this imperative action in defense of marriage and our military troops!  

God bless you,

Mathew Staver, Chairman

Liberty Counsel Action

P.S. I urge you to fax your Senators now and tell them to adopt the HR 1540 guidelines for implementing the repeal of "Don't Ask. Don't Tell."

+ + Comments? Questions?

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May 31, 2011