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Don Lumsden

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To The Citizens of North America.

I have been following the situation of TSA and the FEDS imposing a no fly zone on the State Of Texas. This is not a Texas problem, this is a North America problem. It is time for the citizens of North America to get off there fat behinds and make a stand backing the State of Texas. They are threatening Texas with a no fly zone. Great lets make North America a no fly zone We the peopleof North America refuse to fly or ship any goods by air. (PERIOD)

Sooner or later we are going to have to say ENOUGH. This seems like as good a time as any. They have thrown down the guantlet, are we going to pick it up and slap their face or are we going to bow down and kiss their fat behinds. I have already made my stand. I do not fly anywhere, it is inconvenient and time consuming but a small price to pay. They have threatened a Texas no fly zone, lets give them a North America no fly zone and hit them where it hurts, their pocketbooks.

The lost revenue would be in the BILLIONS. If we don\'t make this stand now we may as well kiss our freedom GOOD BYE. This will not stop, it will only get worse until we say NO.

Years ago a group of MEN at a little place called THE ALAMO showed us what MEN of PRINCIPLE could accomplish knowing full well the price they may have to pay for those PRINCIPLES. We have a little inconvenience to pay in comparison.

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN of NORTH AMERICA, the guantlet is down, do we pick it up or do we become slaves in our own countries, YOU HAVE TO CHOOSE (IT WON\"T STOP)


----- Original Message -----
From: "Don Lumsden" <>
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2011 7:19 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10