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Aerial map of Roseburg's Panther Meadow project site -- proposed rezoning from timber zone to residential 40a

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Sent: Sunday, May 22, 2011 11:38 PM

Subject: FW: Aerial map of Roseburg's Panther Meadow project site -- proposed rezoning from timber zone to residential 40a

Hi Dawn, we at MSBEC are passing this onto you hoping you can put

something on your site so people will be aware of it very soon, comments

are due this coming Friday the 27th.  We at the Ecology Center are going

to be organizing to oppose this rezoning, but there isn't much time for

people to respond and the public needs to be heard on this.  

Thanks John Sanguinetti  PS sorry we are not better organized on this,

haven't had much time.

Comments are due Friday, May 27, 2011 at the Siskiyou County

Public Health & Community Development-Planning Division, 806 So Main St, Yreka,

 CA 96067.

Mark Baker is the senior planner and Greg Plucker is the Deputy Director of

Planning  530-841-2100.  Fax is 530-841-4076 Greg's email is


Some of you already know that Roseburg is proposing to rezone a large

amount of land (~771 acres) near Panther Meadows campground for

residential uses.  It is now zoned Timber protection zone (TPZ).

 The environmental review is just beginning. The County will accept

"scoping" comments for another week until 5/27/11 to gather public

concerns of issues noteworthy of study. (See attached .PDF for details).

 The main purpose of this email is to better acquaint you with where that

 land is and how it will affect important areas many of us use along

Everritt Memorial Highway.

This rezoning could allow the land to be first subdivided, then developed for homes on as many as perhaps 19 or 20 parcels of about 40 acres each. Each parcel could have two homes. With a conditional use permit, a landowner could also get approval for such uses as churches, schools, public and quasi-public buildings. With further subdivisions of those parcels or rezonings, other types of development would also be possible including commercial or recreational development. This  771-acre site abuts the Mt. Shasta Ski Park to the southeast! It is very near Bunny Flat on its other, northwestern corner.

So here is a link to a Bing map with the approximate boundary lines for Roseburg Forest Product's proposed rezoning area -- about 771.5 acres -- over 1 square mile in area -- and over four miles around its perimeter:    
!124 <>

Give this map a few seconds to load.

You'll first see a simple map with a blue boundary line.

To view a color aerial photo instead with that outline, near the top right of your window you'll see "Road."

Click that and instead choose "Bird's eye."  An aerial photo will load.

The image then is an angled view, not looking straight down, of medium image resolution.

It can be rotated with four different angles using the "rotate left" or "rotate right" arrows near the North pan button in the mid-top navigation tool bar.  

If you zoom out, using the (-) button or the mouse wheel, you'll get a view with other topographic features like the mountain more visible. This helps you see how huge this land area is and how close it is to public viewpoints.

The pushpins more accurately mark the corners. These corner locations are approximate based upon the poor quality maps the County provided. Better corner location can be found by other means, but that precision isn't required now.

To view the map in the best high resolution form, uncheck the box in the Bird's Eye menu titled "show angled view."   Give the map a few seconds to download the new image. Now you're looking straight down and can zoom in to see individual trees or cars clearly.

So here again is that map to view:

  !124 <>

Here's an example of Bing's stunning clarity:  An Aerial Photo of Bunny Flat parking on Everritt Memorial Hwy near the northwest corner of Roseburg's proposed residential rezoning area:!114&where1=Mount%20Shasta%2C%20CA&q=mount%20shasta%2C%20ca <;cp=41.353512480903674%7E-122.23339256285648&amp;lvl=19&amp;dir=0&amp;sty=a&amp;cid=FAA863E00208ABBC%21114&amp;where1=Mount%20Shasta%2C%20CA&amp;q=mount%20shasta%2C%20ca>

This is the aerial photo WITHOUT the blue lines:!124&where1=Mount%20Shasta%2C%20CA&q=mount%20shasta%2C%20ca&form=LMLTCC <;cp=41.34420752800452%7E-122.22011586949105&amp;lvl=14&amp;dir=0&amp;sty=a&amp;cid=FAA863E00208ABBC%21124&amp;where1=Mount%20Shasta%2C%20CA&amp;q=mount%20shasta%2C%20ca&amp;form=LMLTCC>

If you have any comments to the Planning Department regarding issues to be examined in its upcoming environmental review, you'll find the address to send those comments to in the attached file. The County is not likely do a very thorough environmental review without considerable public. It prepared a "negative declaration" three years ago for a similar rezoning for Sierra Pacific near Hwy 89 and Ski Park highway... claiming no environmental impacts.


/resources/uploads/files/aerial map of roseburg's panther meadow.pdf