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ACLU: Hostile to Liberty and Freedom of Religious Expression

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel

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Their shared goals are to reshape America

            through legislation, the seating of radical

            judges, and by infiltrating one community

            at a time with oppressive anti-faith decrees.

            Who are these statists and enemies of

            freedom?  See my urgent message below - Mat.


Yesterday, President Obama's goal to move the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals further to the left was temporarily thwarted in the Senate when the confirmation of radical leftist Goodwin Liu was derailed.


            This was a HUGE victory, yet we know the efforts

            required to oppose future nominations of radical

            jurists like Liu will continue to increase.

            Sadly, the Left has gained a lot of ground over

            the past three years.


Right now, Liberty Counsel is engaged in intense legal battles against two major leftist organizations that are assaulting our constitutionally-defined liberties: The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and - amazingly - the United States Department of Justice (DOJ).


            Surprised?  Don't be. These legal organizations

            are recruiting staff members from many of the

            same sources.  And under the Obama Administration,

            being a member of the ACLU is considered an

            attribute for those seeking to get a position

            at the DOJ.


++The ACLU remains Liberty Counsel's frequent adversary.


In my opinion, the ACLU is the most hostile organization toward liberty and the freedom of religious expression in the history of our nation. Their organizational goals are statist, left-wing, anti-Christian, anti-free-speech, and the exact opposite of their misleading name - all of which makes the ACLU the enemy of true freedom, not its so-called "watchdog."


But the ACLU IS one of America's most powerful secular- socialist political pressure groups. Now, under President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder, the DOJ has a large number of litigators, administrators, and other staff officials with strong ACLU credentials or leanings.


++The protection of CIVIL LIBERTIES is a battle AGAINST excessive government intrusion! 


It is extremely challenging these days to be fighting against both of these powerful, ultraliberal organizations. Tragically, both the ACLU and the DOJ seem intent on running roughshod over our unalienable, God-given rights and reducing America into just another European-style socialist nation.  God forbid!


            We MUST be able to answer statist, Big

            Government attacks on liberty as they arise!


++Liberty Counsel is a highly efficient legal advocacy group.


I am always pleased to inform friends like you that Liberty Counsel has a 92 percent win record against the deep-pocketed ACLU. Thanks be to God! 


And year-in and year-out, we achieve a great deal of impact in proportion to the amount of donations we receive.  Most of the gifts we receive are dedicated directly to providing legal services and information.  That's because a large portion of our operating budget comes from attorney's fees when the government or groups like the ACLU are found liable for civil rights violations.


The bottom line is that your gifts can be immediately put to work winning the battle for our culture in courtrooms across the nation!


Today, as our nation's Founders knew so well, we must preserve our unalienable rights by getting down on our knees to pray...but we must never fail to rise up to fight when that freedom is threatened!


            Here's my pledge to you: I will not back down

            from the mission I know God has called Liberty

            Counsel to undertake - to stand in resolute

            defense of liberty, life, and family! 


            But I need your help to counter the huge war

            chests of the ACLU and the taxpayer-funded DOJ!


Will you prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible gift right now so our team can continue to fight against the rise of Big Government, radical pro-homosexual forces, anti-faith initiatives, the attacks of the ACLU, and the activities of other radical legal groups?


Click below to support Liberty Counsel's mission.  Any gift of $25 or more will entitle you to a free copy of the newly revised edition my powerful book, "Take Back America." Click here to learn more about your free gift:


++ACLU bullying must be stopped! 


As I have been sharing for several months, Liberty Counsel has gone on the offense against the ACLU and their outrageous attempts to CRIMINALIZE common expressions of the Christian faith on the part of employees of the Santa Rosa County, Florida, school system.


Liberty Counsel filed a separate lawsuit against the school district and the ACLU on behalf of 24 people. The trial on the merits will begin in early July of 2011 - just a few weeks from now!


The ACLU's outrageous actions in Santa Rosa County serve as a template of what they want to do across the country - including your community's public school system! Santa Rosa County is truly "ground zero" for America's religious liberty!


By the ACLU's design, this has become a very expensive battle.  And as I've often said, these bullies have deep pockets! 


++The Department of Justice's actions over the past few years under the Obama Administration mirror the statist, anti-liberty, anti-religion tactics of the ACLU. 


By deeming the "Defense of Marriage Act" unconstitutional, thePresident and his DOJ now refuse to defend a law duly passed by Congress. In doing so, they elevated themselves above Congress and the Supreme Court, in essence disregarding the checks and balances system set up by our Constitution.


            Two weeks ago, in the DOJ's defense of ObamaCare,

            in front of a panel of judges at the Fourth

            Circuit Court of Appeals, the Acting Solicitor

            General said the United States government CAN

            force American citizens to purchase specific

            products such as healthcare insurance.


By the government's own admission, if ObamaCare is upheld, Congress would no longer have any limitations on its regulatory power!


++ We are truly at the epicenter of the battle for the soul of America!    


We need your help. We learned long ago that freedom is never free. Your financial support will keep our legal team engaged in stopping the ACLU from criminalizing Christianity and in good shape to advance other key legal cases and public policy initiatives across the nation.


Please consider a special gift to Liberty Counsel to meet this critical need.  For any gift of $25 or more, I will send you a free copy of my recently updated book, "Take Back America." 


            The new, revised edition includes updated

            information on Liberty Counsel's battle against

            ObamaCare, our confrontation with the ACLU in

            Northwest Florida, and many other recent battles.


Please go here to help and to learn more about your free gift:


Pease know that our foes plan to come to your neighborhood unless they are stopped now! All of these battles will have enormous national implications.


Our heritage of liberty in America is literally at stake and the battle is greatly intensifying!


THANK YOU in advance and may God abundantly bless you!


Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel


P.S. I have resolved more than ever to defend our beleaguered liberties and rebuild the foundations upon which America was established. Our caseload is growing and our resources are understandably stretched.


If you can financially help Liberty Counsel right now, I would be deeply grateful!  Once again, go here to donate, and if your gift is for $25 or more, you may receive a copy of my newly revised and updated book, "Take Back America":



+ + Comments? Questions?


Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family.  Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776

May 20, 2011