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Attacks on families are getting personal

Penny Nance Chief Executive Officer

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Please see Penny Nance's update on how the attacks against conservatives are getting more and more personal -- and what you can do.

Your friends at Grassroots Action


Penny Nance

Concerned Women for America

I must take a quick break from our petition drive leading up to next week's delivery to Sen. Wicker to let you know that we are now in the final 36 hours of our Matching Challenge.

In the past week, the attacks against Concerned Women for America have reached new lows. To be quite honest, the attacks have become personal. And I know it is because CWA is standing up for our families, our freedoms and the unborn.

That's why I'm asking for your help right now as we come to the final 36 hours of our Matching Challenge.

If you believe in the work of CWA to stand for our families and equip concerned women across this nation, please go here now and make your best tax-deductible gift:

We must close this Matching Challenge at Midnight Friday (May 20). If at all possible, please make your gift by that time. If you prefer to send a check, we can count your gift as long as it is postmarked by May 20. Go here to donate by check:

If you have already donated, please accept my thanks. If you can donate again, I would be even more grateful.

Thank you in advance and may God bless you.

Penny Nance

Chief Executive Officer

P.S. Also, thank you so much for your prayers during what has become an extremely intense time in the cultural struggle for our families and the soul of our nation. I am so grateful to know that friends like you are standing with us when personal attacks are directed at our staff as well as women across the country who stand for faith and freedom.

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Grassroots Action, Inc. is an Internet services company that provides news, information and grassroots action services andstrategies to individuals and organizations.

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