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Senate vote tomorrow [ May 19, 2011] on radical Obama nominee!

Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action

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   Yesterday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid

            moved to bring the nomination of Goodwin Liu

            to the Senate floor, setting up a potential

            Thursday cloture vote on the highly

            controversial judicial nominee.

            Liu is far out of the judicial mainstream

            and MUST BE OPPOSED IMMEDIATELY! See my

            urgent message below - Mat.               

Goodwin Liu is a dangerous judicial nominee who must be opposed! He has been called the worst of Barack Obama's nominees at any level of the federal court system. His Senate confirmation would move the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, already the most liberal appellate court in the nation, even further to the left!

Please take a moment to Consider Liu's lack of experience, his alarming judicial philosophy, and his out-of-touch political ideology:

            *Liu is an unproven jurist. He has no experience

            as a trial attorney and only practiced law

            for about two years.

            *Liu's judicial philosophy is totally

            disconcerting! The fact is, Goodwin Liu is

            an unapologetic judicial activist. Rather

            than construing the Constitution in accordance

            with the intent of its writers, Liu argues

            that constitutional scrutiny "requires adaptation"

            because of the "evolving norms of our society."

            His view that we should have an "evolving" or

            "living" Constitution subverts its ultimate

            legal authority.

            *Liu is an avowed social liberal, abortion

            advocate, and same-sex marriage proponent.

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) said, "In Professor Liu's case, I believe the views expressed in his writings fall far outside the mainstream of the traditional American view of law and judging, going so far as to distort the meaning of plain words beyond reality."

            Liu's lifetime appointment to the Ninth Circuit

            Court of Appeals would be a dangerous mistake.

            We must take action!


Liberty Counsel Action is calling on every concerned American to take part in a massive fax barrage to key Senators strongly opposing the confirmation of Goodwin Liu.

            This massive barrage will include an immediate

            and steady stream of faxes to your two Senators

            and other key leaders.  

In appreciation of your gift of $15, our Liberty Counsel Action staff will immediately deliver your customized faxes to your two Senators and up to 11 additional key Senators. You can reach the entire Judiciary Committee (up to 23 faxes) for just $25. Or, fax the entire Senate (100) for just $60.

++Goodwin Liu is a bad nominee - even for Barack Obama!

Liu's concept of the Constitution is so misguided that he has stated that when adjudicating questions involving social values and concerns, courts should look to "public policies, institutions, and practices as well as predictive judgment," rather than solely to the Constitution and related legislation.

            Liu has even confounded the Constitution to

            the extent of propagating the idea that

            individuals have a constitutional RIGHT TO


Goodwin Liu not only lacks sufficient understanding of the Constitution for a lifetime appointment to the Ninth Circuit, but based on his affiliations and past writing, he is also decidedly BIASED on a number of important issues.

            Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), the ranking member

            on the Senate Judiciary Committee said, "If

            confirmed, I'm concerned that Mr. Liu will

            deeply divide the Ninth Circuit and move that

            court even further to the left."

President Obama has once again placed our nation in a precarious situation by nominating a radical leftist in Goodwin Liu! 

Here's what I'm asking you to do...

#1 - Fax Your Senators!

I'm asking every member of the Liberty Counsel Action team to press hard on targeted Members of the Senate with this strong message:


Your faxes will be scheduled to be delivered with thousands of other citizens' faxes as part of our massive FAX BARRAGE beginning NOW!

We must act as quickly as possible! The Senate cloture vote is expected on Thursday. Click here to oppose Goodwin Liu's nomination to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals:


If you prefer, we always encourage you to send your own faxes. We have provided all the information you need to reach Senators here:

#2. Call your Senators!

Because time is so short, I encourage you to also call your Senators. Firmly tell them to vote against cloture on the nomination of Goodwin Liu!

Our Fax Barrage will continue to flood Senate offices until the critical cloture vote. We have been told many times that this strategy really does make a difference! Time is of the essence to save the lives of millions of pre-born children and to protect the timeless institution of marriage between one man and one woman.  

THANK YOU for supporting Liberty Counsel Action in this vital effort!  

God bless you,

Mathew Staver, Chairman

Liberty Counsel Action

P.S. Goodwin Liu is a totally unacceptable, dangerous nominee for a lifetime appointment to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.He holds shockingly similar views to Barack Obama's social, political, and judicial policies, which would influence his rulings for decades to come - well past the end of the Obama presidency. Click here to schedule your personal faxes:

+ + Comments? Questions?


Liberty Counsel Action is a 501©4 organization. Gifts are not tax deductible. For full notice including notices for individual states, go here.


May 18, 2011