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Patriot Act Deadline Looms

Jim Babka President D o w n s i z e r - D i s p

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Quotes of the Day: I called the Speaker and Leader today and emailed my representatives.  Thanks for encouraging me to do so.  It feels good, real good. -- Will Ashby, DC Downsizer

"GOP leaders argue that extending the PATRIOT Act is especially important because the killing of Osama bin Laden might inspire retaliatory terrorist attacks against Americans. Call me cynical, but had Bin Laden not yet been killed or captured, I'm sure that these same GOP leaders would argue that extending the PATRIOT Act is especially important because Osama bin Laden remains on the loose." - Don Boudreaux

Three controversial provisions of the so-called Patriot Act are set to expire on May 27.

Rep. James Sensenbrenner, Chairman of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security, has introduced a bill that would make one of these provisions PERMANENT and would extend the other two for SIX YEARS.

This bill will likely be debated and voted on in the House next week.

We need you to CALL your Representative to encourage him or her to oppose this bill. Start here:

After you're logged in you will find your Representative's phone number on our Repeal the Patriot Act page.

You can say something very simple to a Democratic Representative's staff, like . . .

"I want you to oppose the FISA Sunsets Reauthorization Act. Instead, I want you to REPEAL the Patriot Act. Democrats are supposed to be the party that protects privacy and civil liberties. Please do so. If we change our principles then the terrorists win."

Or you can tell a Republican Representative's office . . .

"I want you to oppose the FISA Sunsets Reauthorization Act. Instead, I want you to REPEAL the Patriot Act. Republicans are supposed to be the party of limited, Constitutional government, but the Patriot Act violates the Constitution. If we change our principles then the terrorists win."

Please also reaffirm your position by sending a letter, copying your Senators so they know where you stand. You can reach all three, simultaneously, using's Educate the Powerful System. You may borrow from or copy this letter . . .

I just called my Representative to express my opposition to the Patriot Act and Rep. Sensenbrenner's bill that would make the "lone wolf" provision permanent, and extend the "records" and "roving wiretaps" provisions for six years. I want you to oppose ANY extension of these provisions, and I want you to REPEAL the Patriot Act. Traditional methods of police investigation and intelligence gathering can keep us safe from terrorists. We don't need a Big Brother Surveillance State.


You can send your letter using's Educate the Powerful System.

And please encourage like-minded friends to take action. "Like" us on Facebook and share this Dispatch!

Thanks for your help!

Jim Babka


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May 17, 2011