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Republican voters oppose THIS by an astonishing 79 percent

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People, elite divided on debt limit

Every poll shows the same thing – the vast majority of U.S. voters and the Washington and Wall Street elite are starkly divided about raising the federal government's debt limit.

The latest poll by McClatchy-Marist shows 69 percent of registered voters opposed to a hike in borrowing. Republican voters are opposed by an astonishing 79 percent.

Click here to take part in the "No More Red Ink Campaign", the campaign that tells congress NOT to raise the debt limit.

Yet, steadfast political opposition to raising the debt limit beyond a staggering $14.3 trillion by Washington officials and the powerful Wall Street lobbyists is thin – even among Republicans.

House Speaker John Boehner, who has the power to persuade his Republican majority to kill any talk of raising the debt limit, said again this week it is off the table for discussion.

I have been leading the opposition to raising the debt limit since February of this year with a campaign called "No More Red Ink," which has, thus far, delivered 1 million hard-copy letters to House Republicans, who can, without any assistance from Barack Obama or Democrats in Congress, stop the borrowing madness that is bankrupting the country.

I guess it's going to take another million letters from you.

Don't even listen to the rhetoric you hear from Boehner and company about how they want to cut spending first. That is not going to happen. That is simply political window dressing for justifying more borrowing and spending – the kind that has continued unabated through eight years of George W. Bush's administration and Democratic control of the Congress.

Republicans in Washington can stop this all by themselves – but they won't without hearing from you. I promise.

They need to hear from you in huge numbers. They're not listening to polls. They hope to hoodwink you. They think they can tell you they want to stop borrowing and spending and you will believe it. Actions speak much louder than words. Republicans can't cut spending without getting Democrats to agree with them – except by freezing the debt limit.

It's just that simple.

It's time for 79 percent of Republican voters around the country to apply the pressure where it counts – on their own elected representatives in Washington.

They need a wake-up call.

They were elected in November to do a job. Now is the time to do the job – not 10 years from now, not through haggling with Democrats, not with mere rhetoric.

House Republicans have all the power they need to make the most dramatic federal spending cuts in the history of our country by freezing borrowing. All they have to do is just say no. Without their support, massive cuts in the budget must take place.

You want to kill Obamacare? Done.

You want to kill the Department of Education? Done.

You want to kill PBS and NPR funding? Done.

You want to kill Planned Parenthood's abortion subsidies? Done.

You want to kill every unconstitutional agency and department in the federal government in one fell swoop? Done.

It's so simple.

It is a great opportunity for Republicans to live up to their rhetoric.

But they're not going to do it without some big-time encouragement.

There is only one game in town to make this happen. It's called the "No More Red Ink" campaign.

Here's the way it works: In about one minute, you fill out a form that will generate hard-copy red letters to every House Republican – all 241 of them. We guarantee delivery of them personalized with the name and address of the sender and addressed to the individual members of Congress. It costs a total of $29.99 – less than it would cost you in postage alone to do this by yourself.

I know money is tight for everyone. But there is simply nothing else Republicans in Washington can do this year or next that rivals this action in importance.

So please click here to take advantage of this historic opportunity today.

Joseph Farah

Editor and Chief Executive Officer

May 17, 2011