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House Republicans now have more time to do the right thing


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More time to do right thing on debt

Good news is coming in fast and furiously.

  • Barack Obama says he found his birth certificate after only two-and-a-half years of searching.


  • The CIA found Osama bin Laden after 10 years of searching.


  • And Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner found America won't hit the debt ceiling of $14.3 trillion until at least Aug. 2 – allowing Washington to keep borrowing dollars like they are going out of style (which they are).

Why is that last entry good news?

Because it gives Americans a little more time to pressure House Republicans and other members of Congress not to raise the debt limit this summer.

Join the "No More Red Ink" campaign right now and save our country from driving off the economic cliff.

Geithner, a former Federal Reserve official who couldn't fill out his own tax return before being named treasury secretary, and his real bosses at the Fed insist that not raising the debt limit is a recipe for fiscal calamity. This, of course, from the people whose financial prescriptions brought us the Great Depression and the economic crisis we've been in since 2008.

They maintain – along with most of the major news media – that without continued borrowing Washington risks defaulting on its debt obligations of around $200 billion a year.

In other words, what they are saying is this: "Yes, we have a debt crisis, but the only way to deal with it is to continue borrowing money to pay the interest on the debt."

Does that make sense to you?

Would that kind of logic pass "Economics 101" logic?

Is this the way responsible citizens, businesses and state and local governments respond to problems associated with overspending?

The answer, of course, is no.

But because the Federal Reserve masters of the universe think of themselves as a kind of economic high priesthood, we're supposed to listen to them – and many in Washington actually do.

I'm a simple guy, but I learned that the solution to overspending and indebtedness is to stop spending so much and stop borrowing altogether – especially if you have almost unfathomable revenues totaling $2 trillion a year as the federal government does.

Do you think you could get by on $2 trillion a year? Do you think it's about time Washington does?

So do I. That's why I came up with a high-tech, new-media, grass-roots direct lobbying campaign to persuade House Republicans to take the bull by the horns and just say no to any more borrowing.

It's called the "No More Red Ink" campaign – and it is working. So far, with your help. we have managed to send about 1 million hard-copy letters to the House Republicans urging a no vote on raising the debt limit. Many have come around – in fact, most of them, have come around as a direct result of the campaign.

When we convince 218 of the 241 Republicans to take a hard line against more borrowing, as most of them pledged to do when they ran for election last fall, the most dramatic cuts in federal spending in a generation will be forced upon Obama, the Senate and the House.

This is a good thing!

I am convinced, and so are an increasing number of House Republicans, that federal spending will never be brought under control unless government is forced to live within its means like the rest of us do. We can't print money. We can't borrow endlessly. We can't live like there's no tomorrow. And it's time Washington started living under the same rules.

Revenues of $2 trillion a year are nothing to scoff at. It takes only 10 percent of that amount for America to meet its loan obligations and avoid default. That leaves $1.8 trillion to perform the necessary, vital and limited functions of the federal government under the Constitution.

Do you really think Democrats and Republicans are ever going to be able to negotiate reductions in spending when they can both continue borrowing whatever they want?

It's not going to happen.

The only way we can force those cuts is by drying up the seemingly bottomless well of debt.

Will you help me me see that America seizes this tremendous opportunity? Join the "No More Red Ink" campaign right now and save our country from driving off the economic cliff.

Joseph Farah

Editor and Chief Executive Officer


May 12, 2011