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Grassfire Nation Update

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Grassfire Nation Update / 5-5-11


Congratulations to those in the Grassfire Nation network who stepped up last minute by sending faxes and making phone calls to their Congressmen regarding the $105.4 billion ObamaCare slush fund.

Late yesterday afternoon, by a vote of 238-183, the House voted in support of H.R. 1213, to rescind the $105.4 billion in appropriations already set aside for implementing Obama's unconstitutional healthcare scheme.


There is little doubt that your fast action did impact those voting. In fact, five democrats crossed party lines for the vote, including: Reps. Jason Altmire (PA), Dan Boren (OK), Luis Gutierrez (IL), Tim Holden (PA) and Mike McIntyre (NC).

+ + Battle to Defund ObamaCare moves to the Senate


This vote was another successful step in the push to dismantle ObamaCare.  As the bill moves to the Senate, it will face intense opposition.


That's why Grassfire Nation will be taking petitions back to Capitol Hill in support of efforts to defund ObamaCare ...


But to be successful, it is imperative that team members who have signed our petitions, and/or sent faxes opposing ObamaCare help rally critically needed extra support to meet these expected Senate challenges.

Forward this message to your friends and urge them to take action with you by clicking here and signing our petition to defund ObamaCare:


Don't delay.  As soon as we have confirmation of the Senate vote, we will move to get our petitions delivered to the key figures in this ongoing debate before the vote!


Check your emails often for our next petition delivery date!


Until then, continue to rally your friends to take action with you by clicking here:


Thank you again for standing with Grassfire Nation.


Grassfire Nation

May 5, 2011