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Rocky Montana

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Behold Americans, this is what our nation has come to.  This is the mass crime of OUR times against not just Americans, but all of mankind who fly into and out of, and all about the United States.  The TSA are perfoming "legalized" acts of CRIMINAL MOLESTATION upon Americans!  What will WE do about it?  Where is our outrage and righteous indignation against this evil come upon our nation?  Are WE so afraid of "al-qaeda" that WE fear to take a stand for goodness, decency and Constitutional Law?  Do you not know that the CIA/MOSSAD invented and controls "al-qaeda" in order to perpetuate a state of fear and war?-- and to further their plan of enslavement upon all American citizens?  And who controls the CIA?  Your President.  Why has Congress not stopped these criminal acts?--why have our state representatives not stopped these criminal acts?   They are OUR representatives, yet they don't stand up for OUR basic human rights.   Why is the media not spoken up against these criminal acts?  Are they ALL controlled by the same evil entity, the Zionist Occupational Government?--or the One World Odor?--or the Global Elite?, or, or, or.  Call it what you will.  Where are the Constitutional lawyers to fight this unjustice in court of law?  Yes I know that the courts have been corrupted by the same evil entity, but they must maintain an illusion of constitutional law.  Every elected official who does not effort to stop these criminal actions is complicit and deserves nothing less than to be replaced. 

So far, the only state in the Union who has objected enough to take positive and responsible actions in stopping these crimes, is Texas.  And the only representative I have heard speaking out against these crimes is Ron Paul.  I pray that this righteous dissent will not stop with Texas!  Please review the following videos and articles.  Then please contact your elected state and federal representatives including the President, and demand that they STOP the criminal molestation of American citizens by the TSA in our nation's airports, and elsewhere!  And please continue contacting them until either they take action and stop this evil or are replaced with responsible representatives.  On behalf of the American people and our basic human rights provided us in the U.S. Constitution, I thank you.   

Rocky Montana / May 5, 201


Miss USA Susie Castillo Sexually Assaulted TSA Style






6 Year Old Girl Groped By TSA



Videos like this simply shouldn’t exist.  It seems morally offensive to post them, but it is a greater moral offense to [ignore the problem], to put them aside and let more children [and everyone else] be touched like this.





J.D. Heyes / May 5, 2011

[Emphasis added by R.M.]

(NaturalNews) - Tired of waiting for the federal government to do the right thing and uphold Americans' Fourth Amendment right to privacy and protections against unreasonable searches and seizures, Texas lawmakers are moving to make invasive pat-downs by Transportation Security Administration screeners a felony.

A bill moving through the state Legislature would make it illegal to intentionally touch a person's private areas, even over clothing, unless the screener had probable cause the passenger was hiding something - and by that, it means something dangerous.

Rep. David Simpson, R-Austin, said the measure - HB 1937 - aims to restore some dignity to the act of traveling.  A second proposal, HB 1938, seeks to prohibit the use of full-body scanners in Texas airports.  A vast majority of Texas state lawmakers support the legislation.

It's about time. U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, and the one true civil libertarian in Congress, is right: Enough is enough.

Few Americans doubt the need for increased security at airports, given the tragedy of 9/11.  Most reasonable people understand the government's interest in preventing similar attacks.  But feeling up 6-year-old girls?  Molesting a former Miss America?  And what about the TSA agent in Philly who was recently arrested on charges he was in possession of child pornography?  That's not even the first time that's happened.

Is this what counterterrorism has come to in America?  Let's hope not.

The Texas legislation may just be the beginning.  There is a backlash growing against the overly invasiveness of the TSA's pat-down procedures. Both pilots - who are also subject to such searches - as well as passengers, in growing numbers, have had enough. Even airports are opting out of using the TSA for airport "security."

The legislation in Texas may not hold up to a constitutional challenge from the U.S.  Justice Department, which is sure to come if state lawmakers pass it and Gov. Rick Perry signs it into law.  But the point is clear: People have had enough, and it's time for the government to listen.

There are better ways to provide airport security other than violating the constitutional rights of young passengers, beauty queens and everyone else in between.

May 5, 2011

Rocky Montana