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Congress: Kids fighting in a sandbox

Grassfire Nation Update

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President Obama is demanding a stand-alone vote in Congress on raising the debt ceiling. Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA), House Majority Leader, who first opposed the vote, now says he may allow the vote on the House floor, knowing it will fail...


Across the aisle, Congressional Democrats are considering their own strategies to make Republicans look bad. 


Tomorrow (Thursday), Vice President Joe Biden will hold his first meeting with House and Senate negotiators to discuss the looming federal debt ceiling issue and timeline. In the meantime, both chambers of Congress are awaiting the bipartisan "gang of six" report that has been months in the making.


            Is there any wonder why American's approval

            rating of Congress is historically low! 


  This is akin to watching kids play in a sandbox fighting over what to build with the sand - and citizens are the parents watching their childish antics from the outside looking in! 


+ +  Grassfire Nation wants to take your petition to Congress


The debt ceiling debate is likely to be center stage this month in Congress. That's why Grassfire Nation will be delivering petitions directly to key members of Congress at the height of the Debt Ceiling debate. Unfortunately, we haven't yet heard from you.


Please give us permission to deliver your petition to your lawmakers by clicking here now:


After signing, forward this alert to your friends urging them to click below to add their name to our "Defund ObamaCare" petition as well:



Finally, watch your e-mail for an upcoming report following Biden's meeting with House and Senate negotiators tomorrow.


Your Friends at Grassfire Nation



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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2011 Grassroots Action, Inc.


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May 4, 2011