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Tell Senator Feinstein to Protect Your Debit Card!  


Recently, Congress introduced The Debit Card Protection Bill, a piece of legislation that delays the Durbin Debit Card rule, which was the result of an amendment that passed without debate or serious study last year. This delay is crucial to ensure that people don’t have to pay more to use their debit cards. However,  Senator Dianne Feinstein has yet to sign on to protect your debit card.

Take a moment now to tell her that you want her to stand with you – not with large retailers.

As you know, government bureaucrats issued a new regulation that will give retailers $14 billion in windfall profits – and will force you and other debit card users to pick up the tab.  As a result, you may see higher fees, fewer rewards and more restrictions on your debit card.  You could even see the loss of free checking.

We don’t have time to lose – the Senate may vote on this at any time! Tell your Senators and House Representative today that you want them to support this important legislation to protect the benefits that you get from your debit card.