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ObamaCare forcing taxpayers to fund private slush fund

Grassfire Nation ObamaCare Update

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Grassfire Nation Update

         URGENT: House vote Tuesday, May 3 to drain the

         ObamaCare slush fund set aside for implementing

         Obama's healthcare scheme. Details and urgent

         action items below!

When House Speaker Nancy Pelosi arrogantly announced t America "We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it," citizens and most in Congress had no idea that hidden deep within the bill was funding for ObamaCare -- a $105.4 billion slush fund set aside for implementing Obama's unconstitutional healthcare scheme!

But it gets even worse!

Sect. 4002 of the bill sets up a $16 billion slush fund for Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to use at her discretion for whatever she wants. And following 2015, the HHS secretary would receive $2 billion annually in perpetuity...

And Congress would have no authority to stop it!

Click here to watch Rep. Michele Bachmann explain the ObamaCare slush fund and to take immediate action:

+ + Vote to Drain the ObamaCare Slush Fund Tuesday, May 3

 Rep. Fred Upton drafted a bill (H.R. 1213) that would rescind the $105,464,000,000 already appropriated to ObamaCare.

We've learned from his office that H.R. 1213 will be voted on TUESDAY, MAY 3!

That means it is critical for taxpayers to communicate their thoughts about the slush fund immediately!

Click here now to take fast action with Grassfire Nation:

+ + Immediately Fax Your South Dakota Representative

The time is NOW for Grassroots Americans to deliver a strong message to Congress regarding the ObamaCare slush fund.

Our Grassfire Nation faxfire system provides the most efficient and effective way to quickly communicate directly

to those lawmakers when time short!

Click here now, and Grassfire Nation will immediately send personalized faxes on your behalf to your South Dakota Representative, your two Senators -- as well as other key lawmakers:

While a simple click is the easiest way to impact this issue, Grassfire Nation has made it possible for you to download the key contact information as well as our customized fax letters to fax on your own.

Whatever method you use, don't delay!

Click here to see the contact information and letters:

After scheduling your faxes, take a few extra moments to call your Representative as well as House leaders-- letting them know where you stand on the ObamaCare slush fund and Rep. Upton's H.R. 1213 to rescind the $105.4 billion to implement ObamaCare!

Here is the contact information

Rep. Noem 202-225-2801

Speaker Boehner's office:  202-225-6205

Majority Leader Cantor's office:  202-225-2815

Appropriations Chairman Hal Rogers:  202-225-4601

Again, the vote is scheduled for Tuesday, May 3. So after scheduling your faxes, please make your calls right up to  the vote.

As always thanks for your outstanding efforts.

Grassfire Nation

P.S. Again, this vote will take place this week. Schedule your faxes for immediate delivery by clicking below:

+ + + + +

Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is

dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2011 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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