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Take His Money

Jim Babka President Downsize DC Foundation

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Quote of the Day: "I'll give you one dollar for every dollar donated by others, up to $2,400, which would give you $4,800 on top of what you've already raised." -- a DC Downsizer from Nevada

Last Friday I asked for help to close a funding gap at the Downsize DC Foundation, the non-profit educational arm of Downsize DC.

The response was great, but still shy of the $5,400 I needed. We raised $3,190, plus $80 in new monthly pledges. But here's some really great news . . .

A donor in Nevada will give us $2,400 if other DC Downsizers on this list will also give us $2,400. Add all that to the amount we've already raised and we'd have $7,780.

And it gets better. If you start a monthly pledge then this Nevada donor will match the first two months of your pledge. New monthly pledges on the foundation side would help prefund the future.

But keep in mind, because it's a matching pledge, we have to raise a total of $2,400, starting today, from Downsizer-Dispatch subscribers BEFORE we get the Nevada donor's money.

If you can help, every dollar you contribute will be worth two to us, and every dollar given in the form of a monthly credit card pledge will be tripled. 

Remember, unlike contributions to, Inc., donations to the Foundation are tax deductable, if you itemize deductions.

What I really need is for some supporters who donated last year to renew their support, and for them to invest in the Foundation.If you can do this, please click here.

New donors are welcome too, of course. If you've been thinking of starting a monthly pledge, and you need tax deductions for the coming year, consider starting a monthly pledge with the Downsize DC Foundation.

Also, we can accept appreciated securities, saving the donor capital gains taxes. If you'd like to donate stock, please email us at Feedback at DownsizeDC dot ORG.

Thanks in advance!

Jim Babka


Downsize DC Foundation

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