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Congress wants you to OK more spending

Grassfire Nation Update

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With the recent budget "compromise" exposed as a sham, members of Congress and the Obama Administration are now  preparing to ram through their next big-spending item -- raising the debt ceiling.


Having just passed a budget with no real cuts in spending (according to the CBO), Congress now expects you to sit silently by while they jack up the debt ceiling to unprecedented heights -- pushing it far beyond its current $14.294 trillion level and allowing them to continue the pattern of reckless spending.


+ + Grassfire Nation Poll Says "Don't Raise Debt Ceiling"


But Congress underestimates grassroots America. A recent Grassfire Nation poll of our members reveals that YOU are FED UP with deficit spending and OPPOSE raising the debt ceiling under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. YOU want lawmakers from both sides of the political aisle to get serious about cutting spending and addressing our nation's skyrocketing debt. And the results are overwhelming:


         --80% say the debt ceiling should not be raised;


         --86% say politicians will ultimately break any

         promises they make to cut spending in a deal to

         raise the debt ceiling;


         --And a stunning 81% of Grassfire Nation members

         say you do not want the debt ceiling raised even

         if it means as much as a 68% reduction in all

         federal programs!



+ + Political spending addicts demand more debt


Meanwhile, like a drug addict desperate to score his next fix, D.C. politicians are laying the groundwork to keep their drug of choice -- out-of-control government spending -- flowing into their coffers.


First, they took credit for the bogus budget deal that didn't actually cut spending.


Now, they are issuing "doom and gloom" warnings if we don't go along with raising the debt ceiling. Obama's money man Tim Geithner is touting that we must "substantially increase the debt ceiling" to help alleviate financial pressure. Others are warning of financial collapse and utter ruin.


What about the crushing debt load that we are saddling our children and grandchildren with that will bankrupt Social Security, force skyrocketing tax increases and ultimately destroy our economy!


It's time for liberty-loving Americans to administer a powerful, grassroots dose of "tough-love" to Congress!


Grassfire Nation has just launched an "I Oppose Raising the Debt Ceiling" petition to give grassroots Americans a way to communicate their frustration and anger over the current spending crisis that is jeopardizing our nation, while sending a stark, no-nonsense message to EVERY member of Congress that THE BUCK STOPS HERE!


Add your name to this important petition by clicking below:


In just a couple of weeks from now when the debt ceiling debate is at its most intense, Grassfire Nation will hand- deliver your petition to those most responsible in the ongoing spending fiasco.


Click here now to answer back to Congress:



+ + 100,000 Petitions Needed in just two weeks!


Changing the "tax and spend" culture of Congress will take a maximum effort by grassroots Americans who are fed up with the political games, the lies, and most of all -- THE OUT OF CONTROL SPENDING!


That's why it is up to you to rally and mobilize 100,000 citizen-signers leading up to this important delivery in early May.


After signing, help spread the word to fellow Americans -- many of whom are no doubt frustrated and confused over the actions of our Congress.


Let them know that no is not the time to shrink back and be silent, but rather to rise up and take action by making their voice heard by joining tens of thousands of other Americans!


Encourage them to click here to take action:


Congress is manipulating and playing Americans as fools -- willing to say and do anything to keep their spending addiction funded -- even if it ultimately leads to the destruction of our nation!


Click here now so Grassfire Nation can include you in our upcoming petition delivery opposing the raising of the debt ceiling:


Thank you for turning to Grassfire Nation!



Grassfire Nation


+ + + + +

Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2011 Grassroots Action, Inc.


+ + Comments? Questions?


+ +


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April 25, 2011