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The War on Libya Has Made Things Worse

Jim Babka President, Inc.

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I told Congress to tell President Obama to stop meddling in Libya.

Please do the same. You may borrow or copy from this letter . . .

In the past, Presidents told lies to trick Congress into authorizing wars. The War on Libya is different: President Obama started the war first, and THEN lied about it.

The President said he wanted to protect innocent civilians in Libya. However . . .

There was NEVER any evidence that Qaddafi intended to target innocent civilians. The President must have known this.

And yet, Congress has done NOTHING to hold the President accountable for this lie.

The President has now admitted that his real goal is NOT to avert the killing of civilians, but to remove Qaddafi from power. Here we have more "mission creep," just like in previous wars. Now, the use of U.S. ground troops is not only possible, it's probable . . .

* The only way for Obama to "save face" is to achieve "victory" by removing Qaddafi from power

* But the only way to remove Qaddafi is invasion

* Although no-one likes Qaddafi, he represented stability in North Africa and cooperated with the West in matters like terrorism and human trafficking

* We haven't even disproved Qaddafi's allegation that Al Qaeda members are in the rebel ranks

And yet, Congress has done NOTHING to hold the President accountable for plunging the U.S. into a war of uncertain aims and goals.

Even worse, this seems to be a war based on false assumptions . . .

* The President ASSUMED that all North African countries and cultures are the same, and that what happened in Tunisia and Egypt would also happen in Libya if only the U.S. dropped a few bombs

* The President NEGLECTED the fact that people rally around their government when foreign countries start to bomb them

* The President ASSUMED that other wealthy NATO countries could eventually take the lead, but even Britain and France don't have the money or equipment to sustain a no-fly zone in Libya

Yet Congress has done NOTHING to hold the President accountable for his lawlessness, ignorance, and incompetence. All of this feels like the second coming of the Bush years!

Indeed, the President and his NATO allies have made the situation in Libya worse . . .

* Our intervention has PROLONGED the war, creating the very humanitarian crisis we sought to prevent

* We have invited hatred from Qaddafi supporters whom we attacked without cause, and ALSO hatred from the rebels who will blame their defeat on our insufficient "help"

* Our help to the rebels has made the world safe for human trafficking again

* If the U.S. had claimed neutrality from the beginning of this civil war, neither Qaddafi's supporters nor the rebels would have legitimate cause blame us; now they BOTH have reason to blame us

Congress MUST stop funding the War on Libya. It MUST stop the President from further involvement, and perhaps threaten him with impeachment if he refuses.

I say this NOT because I'm a Democrat or Republican, but because I want what's best for America and the world. I want peace on Earth, and lawful government here at home.


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Jim Babka

President, Inc.

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