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raising debt

Fox News survey shows 62% opposed to more borrowing by Washington

Another poll of Americans' attitudes toward raising the debt limit beyond $14.3 trillion shows 62 percent opposed – with a whopping 79 percent of Republicans against a move being promoted by Republican House Speaker John Boehner, despite widespread and growing discontent among his caucus.

Unite against raising the debt limit; participate in the "No More Red Ink" campaign.

Even most Democrats opposed the idea, according to the poll – 46 percent to 42 percent.

"This is what I have been saying for months," said WND's Joseph Farah, organizer of a high-tech, grassroots lobbying effort directed at House Republicans. "With this kind of widespread opposition from Americans, and especially Republicans, how can Boehner continue to promote more borrowing as a solution to America's debt problem. It makes no sense logically or politically."

Shock the Washington establishment by participating in the "No More Red Ink" campaign and shut down all new plans for bailouts, "stimulus" spending and even the funding for Obamacare.

Earlier surveys by Investors Business Daily and other news organizations have shown similar results – sometimes with even greater opposition.

Meanwhile surveys of Republican House members, who have the power to deny a hike in the debt limit with a simple no vote, show opposition increasing within Boehner's caucus. The latest head count shows 142 House Republicans of the 241 total prepared to vote no.

Farah attributes the huge swing toward a no vote in the last two months to his "No More Red Ink" campaign targeting House Republicans with red letters urging them to stop the borrowing and spending and force Washington to start living within its means immediately.

"The only reason to raise the debt limit is to continue business as usual in Washington," says Farah. "There is no necessity to do it. The prudent and responsible move would be to run the government with the trillions in revenues it it takes in. No individual, no business and no state or local government can just keep borrowing to justify uncontrolled spending. It's time the federal government starts operating like the rest of us do."

Farah says the "No More Red Ink" campaign is working and has a real chance to doing what was once unthinkable – persuading a majority of members of the House to kill any idea of raising the debt limit. The program has already sent nearly 1 million letters to House Republicans since February.

Shock the Washington establishment by participating in the "No More Red Ink" campaign and shut down all new plans for bailouts, "stimulus" spending and even the funding for Obamacare.

April 18, 2011