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"There wasn't one hijacker from Iraq.

Why would we invade Iraq?"

In a explosive interview on Al-Jazeera, Jesse Ventura stumps for his new book, "63 Documents the Government Doesn't Want You to Read," referring to publicly-available government documents that are reprinted in his book.

Jesse Ventura, who is a retired Navy Seal and a Veteran of the Vietnam War cites the documents which cause him to suspect that President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by elements within the CIA because of his decision to end the war in Vietnam, going against the powerful interests who were profiting from that war.

The interview really heats up at around minute 7:00, when the Al Jazeera journalist refers to Ventura's position on the failure of NORAD and the US military in preventing the 9/11 airliner attacks in New York City and Washington DC. He is asked, "Aren't you confusing 'complicity' with 'incompetence,' here?" Ventura replies, "Not when we show the documents from June 1st, 2001 that changed the policy.

"If you want to understand government and when something's going on that shouldn't be, government runs on standard operating procedures most of the time. When those procedures are violated, that's probably the time that you should be looking close.

"In January 1, 2001 (sic), those procedures were changed - ironically, a couple months from 9/11. Up until that time, it was up to base commanders to make that call; that if the FAA called and if a plane was in trouble or if what-have-you was happening in the air, the base commander could make the determination, scramble the jets and send them airborne.

"June 1st of that year, that policy was changed. And it was changed that no airplanes could be scrambled unless they received permission from the DOD, the Department of Defense, which meant you would have a 'stand-down,' simply by having Don Rumsfeld not answering the phone. And if you look back on September 11th for two hours, nobody could find Don Rumsfeld, the Secretary of Defense.

"Now, I guess you're going to tell me, 'That's just circumstantial," but I believe in what Col. Fletcher L. Prouty said, 'Nothing just happens. Everything is planned.'

A caller from Canada comments that none of the passengers officially identified on the passenger lists of the hijacked planes was from Iraq and that most were from Saudi Arabia. He then asks, why did the US go to war with Iraq, when the UN has a provision that entitles a county to defend itself from an attacking nation? Furthermore, the caller asks why does the US continue to have military bases in Saudi Arabia?

Ventura replies that the caller is exactly correct and that this was what caused him to initially to become skeptical of the official story. Ventura says that he believed the official story of 9/11 up until President George W. Bush decided that the US was going to retaliate by attacking Iraq. Ventura says, "There wasn't one hijacker from Iraq. Why would we invade Iraq?"


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