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Less than 24 hours remain to impact ObamaCare vote

Grassfire Nation ObamaCare Update

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Grassroots Americans have less than 24 hours to personally  impact the vote to defund ObamaCare, and we are asking all team members who have already signed our "Defund ObamaCare" petition to send out a twelfth-hour rally cry for friends and family to be included in this important pre-vote  petition delivery!

Because this is such a crucial vote that will have long- lasting impact on every citizen in the nation, we wanted to do something very special for our petition signers ...

We are going to walk your petition directly to the offices of your two South Dakota Senators!

That's right. Leading up to the defund ObamaCare vote, EVERY Senator will be receiving petitions from his/her constituents. This is without question one of our most ambitious petition efforts in our history.

But it is necessary. We want to give every American an opportunity to tell their Senators what they think about ObamaCare.

But we need your help!

+ + 10,000 Additional "Defund ObamaCare" Petitions Needed

Our deadline to be included in this vital  hand-delivery is 9 am tomorrow morning (Wed., April 13), and we are counting on a select few friends to help rally an additional 10,000 citizen signers in the hours that remain.

Forward this message to your friends and family and get  them involved in this grassroots effort!

Urge them to click here now to ensure delivery:

Yesterday we told you that $105 BILLION in automatic funding for ObamaCare has already been built into the system by  Pelosi, Reid and Obama. This separate bill to defund  ObamaCare is the only way to stop ObamaCare's implementation prior to 2013.

Having already signed our petition, you can rest assured  that your petition will be delivered to your two South Dakota Senators beginning tomorrow.

Now in the time leading to our deadline, please rally your friends and family to voice their concerns about ObamaCare to their Senators by clicking here:

Your friends at Grassfire Nation

P.S. We anticipate the vote to defund ObamaCare will take  place on Thursday -- just before the Senate leaves for Easter recess. Don't delay. Alert your friends and family today!

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a  million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is  dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.   Copyright 2011 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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