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NEW CAMPAIGN: Bring the Troops Home!

Jim Babka President D o w n s i z e r - D i

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Are you tired of America's endless wars? Do you want to keep paying taxes to maintain over 1,100 overseas bases?

Then has a new tool for you, our Bring the Troops Home campaign.

You can use this campaign to ask Congress to . . .

* Bring home the hundreds of thousands of troops stationed throughout the world

* Bring the troops home from a specific country

* Or end one or more of our wars

I've just used this campaign to ask Congress to bring the troops home from Afghanistan.

If you agree that this should be done then you may borrow from or copy my letter . . .

I support Rep. Barbara Lee's H.R. 780, the "Responsible End to the War in Afghanistan Act." This bill states that funds allocated for the Afghanistan War shall be used ONLY to provide for the safe and orderly withdrawal of U.S. troops and contractors.

I want this war to end, as does a majority of the American people.

This war was mishandled from the beginning. Insufficient forces were used to capture Al Qaeda, and the "nation building" occupation that followed should never have been part of the plan. The military is ill-equipped to "nation-build," especially in a country with traditions and values so different from our own. Now, the longer we stay, and the more civilians we kill, the more we radicalize the populations of Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Staying in Afghanistan weakens our security by creating unnecessary enemies. Leaving will strengthen our security by reducing the number of new enemies we create. 

Please support H.R. 780. Get us OUT of Afghanistan!


You can send your letter using's Educate the Powerful System.

And check out this related article at the Downsize DC Foundation: Official Stories and Blowback 

Jim Babka


D o w n s i z e r - D i s p a t c h

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April 1, 2011