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2 weeks until Republicans can make history!


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How we can change America's political destiny in 2 weeks

How would you like to defund Obamacare now?

How would you like to end subsidies for NPR and PBS this year?

How would you like to stop taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood and dozens of other offensive and deadly programs even before Barack Obama leaves office?

How would you like to make the first deep, structural cuts in the federal budget in a generation and start returning Washington to constitutionally limited government even while Harry Reid still serves as majority leader of the U.S. Senate?

You think it's impossible?

It's not. In fact, House Republicans alone have the power to do something in next two weeks that will likely accomplish all these goals and more – including but not limited to gutting the Department of Education and other worthless, unconstitutional agencies.

Shock the Washington establishment by participating in the "No More Red Ink" campaign and shut down all new plans for bailouts, "stimulus" spending and even the funding for Obamacare.

Months ago, I realized House Republicans were holding a secret weapon that could be deployed to shake up Washington like it has never been shaken up before.

Since taking control of the House of Representatives in the November election, Republicans in the House alone have the power to stop any further borrowing past the debt limit of $14.3 trillion. All it takes is a no vote on raising the debt limit – a vote that is coming in the next two weeks.

Unlike any other vote the House Republicans take in the next two years, this one is FINAL! There's nothing Obama or Reid can do about it. If Republicans refuse to raise the debt limit, the borrowing must stop – and hundreds of billions of dollars must be cut from the federal budget.

When I figured this out last January, there were only two House Republicans publicly advocating this position – Rep. Michele Bachmann and Rep. Ron Paul. I wondered why.

Why would Republicans not want to use the power they had to bring back responsible, fiscally sound government to the nation's capital?

The answer was that House Republican leadership opposed the idea. Mimicking the pronouncements of the Federal Reserve and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, House Speaker John Boehner said raising the debt limit was absolutely necessary. His strategy ever since has been to try to extract cuts and concessions from Democrats before the vote.

However, it's ineffective to bargain from a position of weakness once you announce you believe the debt limit must be raised.

That's when I organized the NO MORE RED INK campaign. It's a grass-roots lobbying program that has flooded House Republicans with nearly 1 million red letters urging them NOT to approve raising the debt limit.

Since then, 122 House Republicans have gone on record as opposing more borrowing – and more are being emboldened every single day to force the federal government to start living within its means.

The magic number is 218.

There are 241 Republicans in the House. Right now only 22 say they will vote to approve raising the debt limit. Most are steadfastly opposed. Our job is to persuade at least 96 more to take the first big step toward responsible, constitutionally limited government right now – not next year or the year after.

Shock the Washington establishment by participating in the "No More Red Ink" campaign and shut down all new plans for bailouts, "stimulus" spending and even the funding for Obamacare.

I am convinced Washington will never cut unconstitutional departments and agencies until they are forced to do so by economic realities. Without continued borrowing on a massive scale, many programs are unsustainable – even in the short term. Learn more about

In other words, this is our chance to "starve the beast."

But time is short.

The vote on the debt limit is likely to come in the next two weeks.

Now is our last chance to push the Republican majority in the House to use its secret weapon. If it fails to do so, it will be business as usual in the Washington for the next two years – and Republicans will have squandered the biggest, best opportunity they have had to use the mandate they won in November in a dramatic way.

The "No More Red Ink" campaign will flood their offices with "red ink" letters that remind them they are holding all the cards in getting government spending under control and that all they have to do is vote "no" on raising the debt limit.

Economically, the country is on the brink. We may not be able to survive another two years of borrowing and spending and business as usual. The $14.3 trillion in debt represents 100 percent of the U.S. gross domestic product. How much more borrowing can we sustain?

I urge you to join this campaign today.

We have only two weeks left to awaken the House Republican majority to the opportunity they have to shake the very foundations of the Washington establishment.

We have an opportunity to set our nation's fiscal course in the right direction. It doesn't take negotiation with Democrats. It doesn't take any bargaining with Obama. It simply takes voting on principle and refusing to saddle future generations of Americans with any more debt.

Will you join me in this historic opportunity over the next two weeks to flood House Republicans with those red letters that are changing hearts and minds every day?

Here's the way this sophisticated, efficient, economical, proven grass-roots lobbying program works: For just $29.95, you can send hard-copy letters printed on red paper to all 241 House Republicans complete with your name and address and addressed to each individual member. We guaranty delivery by Fed Ex in packages of 500 every single business day.

You might recall last year we sent 9 million "pink slips" to all members of Congress warning them what would come in November if they didn't get Washington's fiscal house in order. In November, our promise to give them permanent "pink slips" was fulfilled.

Now we have to hold Republicans accountable to their campaign promises to change direction.

This may be our last chance until the 2012 election to do just that.

I urge you to participate in this campaign. If you simply cannot afford to send the letters, please sign our free petition to House Republicans to make your voice heard right now. Time is running out to change America's political destiny.

Joseph Farah

Editor and Chief Executive Officer

March 29, 2011