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Israel demands Facebook remove page asking Palestinians to take up arms

Jerusalem— The Associated Press

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The Israeli government is demanding that Facebook remove a page calling on Palestinians to take up arms against Israel.

The page, entitled “Third Palestinian Intifada,” has more than 340,000 fans.

In a letter to Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, Israeli Cabinet Minister Yuli Edelstein says the page includes calls to kill Jews and of “liberating” Jerusalem through violence.

The page features a fist in the colours of the Palestinian flag. It calls on Palestinians to take to the streets after Friday prayers on May 15 and begin an uprising. “Judgment Day will be brought upon us only once the Muslims have killed all of the Jews,” it reads.

Mr. Edelstein says the page incites to violence and violates Facebook content regulations.

Facebook had no immediate response to an AP request for comment.

March 28, 2011