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TODAY: Social Security Call Congress Day

Bill Scher, Campaign for America's Future

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Today, we need you to call your Senators and demand that they vote for the Sanders-Reid Social Security Protection Amendment.

Call your Senators at 1-866-251-4044 
TODAY! Tell them to oppose Social Security cuts and support the Sanders-Reid Social Security Protection Amendment.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senator Bernie Sanders are taking the lead to protect Social Security from drastic cuts.

Their amendment simply says: "Social Security benefits for current and future beneficiaries should not be cut and Social Security should not be privatized as part of any legislation to reduce the Federal deficit."

You can help pass this amendment by picking up the phone RIGHT NOW!

Call your Senators at 1-866-251-4044 
TODAY! Tell them to oppose Social Security cuts and support the Sanders-Reid Social Security Protection Amendment.

Tell the person who answers the phone:

  • I am a voter/constituent living in [your state]. I am calling to ask the Senator:
  • To oppose all cuts to Social Security
  • Vote "Yes" on the Sanders-Reid Social Security Protection Amendment. Thank you.

The Strengthen Social Security coalition – made up of over 270 national and state organizations, including Campaign for America's Future is leading today's Social Security Call Congress Day.

Please take the time today to call 1-866-251-4044 in support of this critical effort and protect Social Security for everyone. This is for you, your children and your grandchildren.

Thank you for calling to strengthen Social Security.


Bill Scher, Online Campaign Manager

Campaign for America's Future

March 29, 2011