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Finian Cunningham and Ralph Schoenman for RedactedNews

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authorities and occupying troops, a large turnout is anticipated after Friday prayers tomorrow, March 25. People are determined, despite the grave danger, to confront the crackdown and return to Pearl Square – the centre of resistance to the Royal regime – as they defy the official onslaught in the name of those thousands already killed, wounded and disappeared.

“As I come from my window at 9:30 p.m.,” describes Finian Cunningham, “a crescendo of helicopter engines fills the air over Manama. These began shortly after curfew as military helicopters began patrolling over the capital accompanied by gunfire.

“Contacts called in describing rapid firing of live rounds amidst armed attacks in at least five primarily Shia areas of Manama, including Sanabis and Daih. These are being launched by unofficial militia composed of Bahraini army units and amplified by the unofficial State militia known as “Baltijiyah.” 


These are the ununiformed army of thugs wielding axes, clubs and chains that have been marauding across Bahrain – mobilized now for tomorrow.

The broad consensus is that the government seeks to terrorize and intimidate the population in advance of the anticipated mass outpouring tomorrow. After Friday prayers everyone is prepared to head for the Pearl. 

A determined populace braces itself for the harsh reality that the Royal government, together with occupying Saudi and GCC troops, is preparing to shed a great deal of blood tomorrow.

The time for international statements of support for the people of Bahrain and for immediate protests against not only the on-going bloodbath, but its pending escalation, is now!

March 24, 2011