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URGENT: Petition Delivery on ObamaCare anniversary

Grassfire Nation Update

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Though defeated, we are grateful that so many grassroots  Americans made their voices heard yesterday through our fax and phone barrage to Capitol Hill!

There is no question lawmakers are now beginning to feel pressure from their constituents to defund of ObamaCare.  They know it is an issue that cannot be ignored...

And we certainly aren't letting it go.

+ + Emergency Petition Delivery To Defund ObamaCare

Next week Wednesday (March 23), will be the one-year anniversaryof ObamaCare being signed into law.

Grassfire Nation plans on commemorating that fateful day by  taking tens of thousands of petitions to key leaders in  Congress as part of a massive show of grassroots support  for the defunding of ObamaCare!

We want a 100 percent repeal of ObamaCare -- including the  rescinding of $105,464,000,000 in funds already appropriated to the implementation of ObamaCare.

Of course your petition will be part of this event.

However, we are turning to key members of our team to help maximize this effort in the days leading to our March 23, event.

+ + Action Item -- Alert Your Friends

Forward this message to 30-40 friends using email or your other social networking outlets -- urging them to  take a stand against the unconstitutional, socialist  healthcare scheme of President Obama.

Encourage them to join the debate in demanding that no  Continuing Resolution be considered unless there is language to defund ObamaCare.

Have them click here to join with you:

Grassroots Americans need to make a statement on March 23 that resonates throughout all of Congress!

Make no mistake, with the thousands of faxes and phone calls that poured into Congressional offices on Tuesday, the  defunding of ObamaCare is on every lawmaker's radar...

Now it's time for Americans to turn up the heat!

Thank you in advance for taking action with us.

Grassfire Nation

P.S: Again, rally your friends and encourage them to stand  in support of defunding ObamaCare in any future Continuing  Resolution bill by clicking below and signing our petition:

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is amillion-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is  dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.   Copyright 2011 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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