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Tell Congress: No more taxpayer $ for more nuclear power

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We are posting updates as fast as we can obtain reliable information on our website: Please check often for new information.

The lesson of this catastrophe is clear: we must end use of nuclear power.

And that must start with the prevention of any new nuclear reactors. It is outrageous that the Obama Administration continues to say nuclear power will be part of its "clean energy" strategy. How anyone can view the images coming from Japan and continue to claim nuclear power is somehow "clean" is beyond our ability to comprehend.

If ever there was a time for Congress to hear our voice, it is now.

We're asking you--and everyone you know--to act now. We have never needed a larger public outpouring and more outreach than right now. Please use the handy icons above to post this page on Facebook, Twitter and other networking sites and e-mail it to your lists, your friends, your colleagues.

Please help us spread the word. Your contributions are urgently needed to enable us to do the kind of outreach so desperately needed right now. We need to be on every progressive blog and website in the country right now with ads that encourage people to act; please help with your contribution now or after you take action.

Note to our friends outside the U.S.: like all actions aimed at the U.S. Congress, you must have a U.S. address to participate.

In order to address your message to the appropriate recipient, we need to identify where you are.

Please enter your zip/postal code: 16, 2011