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US: Stop Bahrain's bloody crackdown


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1000 Saudi troops just entered Bahrain and violence against peaceful protesters is rising. The Saudis' use of US-supplied equipment is a violation of the US Arms Export Control Act and immediate US pressure could help stop the violence. Call Hillary Clinton now and urge the US to stop the bloody crackdown in Bahrain.

Call now!

1,000 Saudi troops have entered Bahrain to break up protests, and sources on the ground are reporting that violence is mounting.

Just weeks ago, the US administration called on the Bahrain government to make real concessions to the overwhelmingly peaceful protesters' demands for political reform. Now though, the US has clearly acquiesced to the Saudi and Bahraini governments’ bid to quell the cry for change. A bloody crackdown is already underway -- but if American citizens cry out with one voice, we can help stop their assault on peaceful protesters.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has the power to influence the perpetrators of this violent and bloody crackdown. The Saudis' use of US-supplied equipment is a violation of the US Arms Export Control Act. Let's come together now and flood the State Department with calls for the US to help prevent further violence in Bahrain:

Here is the number for Secretary Clinton, press 1 to leave her an urgent message:

+1 202-647-5291

When you call, please politely ask the State Department to do the following:

  • Demand that the Bahrain and Saudi governments immediately stop the violent repression of protesters.
  • Insist on the immediate withdrawal of Saudi and other mercenary forces from Bahrain.
  • Urge the Bahrain government to respond to protesters' demands.
  • Impose an arms embargo on Bahrain and Saudi Arabia as long as US military hardware is being used against non-violent protesters, and in violation of the Arms Export Control Act.

When your call is over, click here to share details of your experience:

One Bahraini protester told Avaaz, "Thousands of people are now coming out to the Square to defend it from the government's troops. The people here are very nervous but are not afraid to stand up and fight for their freedom. The government is trying to play the sectarian card, but they can't play us."

People around the region are crying out for their freedom, and, while repressive forces -- armed with American weapons -- can keep spilling the blood of innocent civilians, they can't stifle the call for reform. Let's stand with the people. Call now and forward this message widely.

With determination,

Stephanie, Ben, Iain, Mohammad, Ricken, David, and the rest of the Avaaz team

More information:

NPR -- "Bahrain Declares State Of Emergency; Protesters Clash With Foreign Forces":

Washington Post -- "Bahrain declares state of emergency":

CNN -- "King imposes 3 month state of emergency in Bahrain": Wired -- "The next Middle East flashpoint: Saudis enter Bahrain":

Foreign Policy -- "The Arab nightmare":