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Will you have to comply with REAL ID by May?

Jim Babka President, Inc.

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I sent the following letter to Congress this morning. You may copy it or borrow from it if you want to send a similar letter of your own.

I'm ANGRY that several Republicans are pressuring the Homeland Secretary to impose a May deadline for states to comply with the REAL ID Act.

Please pay close attention to the following . . .

My risk of dying in a terrorist attack is much lower than my risk of dying in a car accident, by walking across the street, by drowning, in a fire, by falling, or by being murdered.

And my risk of suffering identity theft because of REAL ID is greater than the possibility that REAL ID will protect me from terrorism.

Finally, I don't want any protection from you that involves increasing State power, or decreasing my rights.

Please be clear about this -- I withdraw my consent for you to govern me with any scheme for a centralized, standardized, federalized ID card.

Tell Secretary Napolitano to ignore the pressure to make states comply with REAL ID. And please take immediate steps to REPEAL THE REAL ID ACT!


You can send your letter using's Educate the Powerful System.

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Jim Babka

President, Inc.

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