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The easy way to stop Obama's spending


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If we were to fail to raise the debt limit, we would send our economy into a tailspin."

– House Speaker John Boehner

Good heavens! Do we have work to do in the next five weeks?!

The words above may have come out of the mouth of Republican House Speaker John Boehner, but they could just as easily been spoken by Barack Obama or Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi or John Maynard Keynes.

Click here to learn more about the "No More Red Ink" campaign. This campaign will make House Republicans aware of our concern!

But we don't have time to debate with Boehner. We only have time to do an end-run around his misguided leadership of the Republican House.

The stakes are huge.

We have one chance in the next two years to radically shift and restructure the economic priorities of the federal government – and it comes in the next five weeks when a vote in the House of Representatives will be taken to determine whether the debt limit will be raised.

The only acceptable and correct vote is "no."

But that's not what Boehner's leadership is telling the 241 Republican members who control the House. He's pushing them to approve more borrowing to solve the debt problem. That is classic Keynesian economics – keep borrowing your way out of trouble.

However, there's one thing you should know about Keynesian economic theory – it was devised with one purpose in mind: to destroy free enterprise. Here's what he said about the greatest economic system ever devised: "Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone."

Is that the kind of economic philosophy now in control of both major parties in the U.S.?

We'll find out in the next five weeks.

The U.S. government is borrowing 40 cents on every dollar it is spending. It now owes $14.3 trillion – equivalent to 100 percent of the gross domestic product. And Boehner thinks the problem is that government hasn't borrowed enough.

The only immediate answer to the debt problem is to drastically cut government spending – not by $4 billion or $100 billion, but more like $750 billion. We need to eliminate unconstitutional departments and agencies. We need to eliminate entitlements. We need to reform Social Security, preferably by privatizing it. We need to defund Obamacare.

And we can accomplish all of this in one fell swoop by refusing to raise the debt limit next month. It is totally within the control of the House Republicans.

Now I don't even hope to persuade John Boehner he's wrong.

I believe we can accomplish the mission by applying massive pressure on other House Republicans, many or most of whom want to do the right thing.

The only dire economic consequences we're facing will come if we keep doing the same thing over again and expecting different results.

We have the opportunity to set the federal government on the right course with one negative vote in the Republican-controlled House. It only takes 218 no votes on raising the debt limit. The only thing holding back most Republicans from taking that step is the kind of fear-mongering they are hearing from their leadership.

So they need to hear from you – the American people. I'm guessing you are among the 70 percent of Americans (including 55 percent of Democrats) who believe the debt limit should not be raised – that the borrowing should stop now.

If I'm right, I want you to take comfort in the reports of the Heritage Foundation, the CATO Institute, Investors Business Daily and other voices of reason and sanity who say the only Economic Armageddon we face is the one more borrowing will bring.

How do you make your voice heard?

I've made it inexpensive and easy for you. It's called the "No More Red Ink" campaign. So far we have sent nearly 1 million red letters to the 241 Republican members of the House who control our fate. I urge you to join this campaign today. Yes, it will cost you nearly $30, but it could be the greatest investment you've ever made, allowing you to reach all 241 House Republicans with the message with about one minute of your time.

Please do it right now before we lose this historic opportunity.

Joseph Farah

Editor and Chief Executive Officer


March 9, 2011