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Amazing and Inspiring

Daniel Mintz

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Walker expected his budget bill to sail through, but instead, it's sparked a national backlash and energized millions of people. And that's thanks, in part, to you.
Since the fight began:
  • Thousands of Wisconsin MoveOn members attended the massive demonstrations in Madison, made calls to their state legislators, and sent almost 10,000 messages to Governor Walker, which protesters plastered all over the walls outside Walker's office when he refused to accept them.


  • MoveOn members contributed more than $100,000 to the Wisconsin 14, the brave Democratic state senators who left the state to prevent Republicans from jamming through Walker's proposal—providing them a huge boost to fight back against Republican attacks.


  • MoveOn members sent more than 260,000 statements of support to the Wisconsin 14. We delivered the statements—all 5,700 pages of them—to State Senator Chris Larson. He was thrilled to share them with his colleagues and posted on Facebook: "Thank you for standing with us! (And yes, people actually do get paper copies of those forms you fill out online. Thank you"


  • MoveOn members nationwide contributed more than $445,000 to support the efforts to recall the Republican state senators who refuse to negotiate. The folks running the recall report they're off to an amazing start, beating their signature goal in the first weekend by 35%, and they're hugely grateful for the early fundraising.


  • MoveOn members held solidarity rallies in every state capital—our biggest in years, and on just four days' notice—to say that we are all Wisconsin and we won't stand by while Republicans try to kill the American Dream.
It's an amazing and inspiring list. And this fight is far from over. Even if Governor Walker manages to push through his disastrous proposal, the recall efforts targeting Republicans are already off to an amazing start and several of those who support Walker could be thrown out of office as soon as June.  
With similar fights happening across the country and in Washington, we've got a long way to go before we put the American Dream back in reach for all Americans. But Wisconsin has sparked a national uprising and given us the strength to fight back.
For the moment though, we just wanted to take the time to say thanks, for all you do.

Daniel, Joan, Kat, Lenore, and the rest of the team

P.S. With Republicans in Washington pushing devastating federal budget cuts—to education, student loans, NPR, environmental protection, family planning, health and nutrition programs for pregnant women and small children, and more—we're looking to highlight the stories of those who'd be affected by the cuts. If any of the Republican budget cuts would affect you or your family, please click here to share your story:

March 9, 2011