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SPEAKER ALERT: Shutting Down TARP & Saving Taxpayers $8 Billion – With More to Come

Speaker Boehner

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This week, the House will begin the process of shutting down the TARP bailout program, saving taxpayers $8 billion in mandatory spending -- with more savings to come. Economists agree that immediate and meaningful spending cuts are needed to help promote private-sector job creation. Read more about GOP efforts to cut spending and create a better environment for job growth below. And check out the weekly Republican address by Rep. Diane Black (R-TN) who says the path to prosperity lies in liberating our economy from the shackles of big government and out-of-control spending:

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Liberating Our Economy from the Shackles of Debt & Big Government

  • WATCH: Speaker Boehner discussed Taylor’s analysis with FOX News’ Greta Van Susteren.

  • Republican freshmen signed a letter to the president urging swift action on pending trade agreements to help “create badly needed jobs for Americans.” Experts say these agreements will “increase business and employment opportunities for Americans for years to come.”

America’s Massive Debt Poses a “Mortal Threat to Our Country” & Our Economy

  • WATCH: In a speech to the National Religious Broadcasters, Speaker Boehner said we have a moral responsibility to rein in the federal debt which poses a “mortal threat to our country.”

  • The Government Accountability Office uncovered billions of dollars in wasteful government spending.

  • A joint-Congressional report found that the massive Medicaid expansion in the $2.6 trillion ObamaCare law is twice what had been estimated and will overwhelm states with new costs.

  • Meanwhile, the Democrats who run Washington are pushing an inadequate status quo plan that keeps government spending at current “stimulus”-inflated levels.

As Gas Prices Rise, GOP Works to Stop the EPA From Imposing a Job-Crushing National Energy Tax

  • Experts agree that polices pushed by the Democrats who run Washington are raising fuel costs and jeopardizing American jobs.

  • The sharp increase in fuel costs is “putting the squeeze on drivers’ wallets” and “forcing tough choices on small-business owners” – which could mean fewer jobs for American workers.

  • Republicans introduced the Energy Tax Prevention Act to stop the EPA from imposing a national energy tax that would further drive up fuel costs for families and small businesses. Republicans are committed to an all-of-the-above energy strategy that increases American-made energy production, provides for more clean renewable and alternative fuels, and increases conservation.

As always, we appreciate your interest in the new House majority and encourage you to stay connected with the Office of the Speaker on Facebook, Twitter, and on Have a great week!

- Speaker Boehner’s Press Office




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