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Our Constitution is being subverted!

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel

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Our friends at Liberty Counsel have identified and exposed Obama Administration tactics that are designed to undermi the core principles that lie at the heart of our nation's  founding documents.

Liberty Counsel is demanding that those who are sworn by  oath to "Uphold the Constitution" actually do so - or be  removed from office. Those signing their "Uphold the  Constitution" Declaration will receive a free Patriot's Handbook of American Liberty just for taking a stand with Liberty Counsel.

Please read their important message below, consider signing their Declaration, and then forward this important message to your friends who are concerned about the course of our  nation.

Thank you,

Your Friends at Grassroots Action   



Liberty Counsel

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

Date: 2/24/2011

            We the people of the United States of America

            demand that our elected representatives,

            governmental appointees, judges and justices,

            and anyone else who is sworn by oath to, "Uphold

            the Constitution of The United States of America,"

            do exactly that! Please read my absolutely

            crucial message below - Mat.

The Constitution of the United States is being systematically dismantled...


    in order to form a more socialized union!

Realizing the clear and present danger contained in this  Leftist strategy, the House of Representatives, under the leadership of Speaker John Boehner, opened the 112th  Congress in January with a full reading of the Constitution  on the House floor. 

            A good start, Mr. Speaker, but more is required.

Now, it is widely reported that President Obama plans to use Executive Orders and federal regulatory agencies to sidestep the Republican-controlled House. 

President Obama is determined to circumvent the United States Congress on issues that are not likely to be passed by the  more balanced legislature he faces after the "shellacking" (his word) his agenda took in the 2010 midterm elections.

            President Obama has surrounded himself with

            extremist, agenda-driven "czars" and other

            unelected, unvetted officials to whom he can

            dictate policy. And he is blatantly manipulating

            federal agencies to sidestep the constitutionally

            prescribed checks and balances at the heart of

            our form of government. 

Acclaimed author Thomas Sowell warns us...

            "It is no coincidence that those who imagine

            themselves so much wiser and nobler than the

            rest of us should be in the forefront of

            those who seek to erode Constitutional

            restrictions on the arbitrary powers of


            "To get their way, the elites must erode or

            dismantle the Constitution, bit by bit, in

            one way or another. What that means is that

            they must dismantle America."

            "This has been going on piecemeal over the years,

            but now we have an administration in Washington

            that circumvents the Constitution wholesale,

            with its laws passed so fast that the public

            cannot know what is in them, its appointment of

            "czars" wielding greater power than Cabinet

            members, without having to be exposed to public

            scrutiny by going through the confirmation

            process prescribed by the Constitution for

            Cabinet members."

That's the Obama plan! 

How can this travesty be stopped? We, the American people, must be united in purpose in calling for constitutional authority, accountability, transparency, and respect for  the rule of law by those who have sworn to "Uphold the Constitution of the United States." 

We are demanding that elected officials live up to their oath of office - or be FIRED, RECALLED, or IMPEACHED.

++Our powerful "Uphold the Constitution" Declaration issues this  directive to those who hold public office:

            "We the People of the United States of America,

            demand that our elected representatives,

            governmental appointees, judges and justices,

            and anyone else who is sworn by oath to,

            "Uphold the Constitution of The United States

            of America," return to strict adherence to

            the Constitution and its Bill of Rights.

            We demand that our government return to the

            rule of law and the spirit of the law - as

            brilliantly established in the Constitution's

            framework for our government."

When you sign our "Uphold the Constitution" Declaration, we will hand deliver your mandate - along with those of  tens of thousands of your fellow concerned Americans - to your Representative, Senators, and other key congressional leaders. We will also publish your views to government bureaucrats, the media, and anywhere else it is  strategically advantageous.

Together, we can stop this tyranny before radical liberal activists succeed in remaking the United States of America into a socialist nation!

Click here to sign the "Uphold the Constitution" Declaration:

++Get Your Free Copy of "The Patriot's Handbook" just for  signing our "Uphold the Constitution" Declaration.

Liberty Counsel's "Patriot's Handbook of American Liberty" is a valuable reference guide that every American should  have among his or her personal belongings.  

EVERY citizen should have quick access to the fundamental laws and framework of our nation. The Handbook contains  the two great bulwarks of American liberty, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America, with an invaluable, easy to use index. 

Plus, it includes the text of Patrick Henry's immortal address to the Virginia House of Burgesses on the eve of our first Revolution.

It also includes a special essay I have written for modern- day patriots like you.  I entrust this Handbook to you in the hope that you will "Uphold the Constitution" in accordance with the timeless principles it contains.

Go here to sign the "Uphold the Constitution" Declaration and to receive "The Patriot's Handbook" absolutely free:

 I believe that the Constitution of the  United States of America is the God-inspired master plan for our exceptional form of government.

Never before in history has a government been formed with  so many checks and balances to ensure that its citizens  would be free from the tyranny, autocracy, and oppression that inevitably arise when elitists demand to rule over  those they consider to be inferior. 

The Founders knew first-hand that tyranny arises when  "absolute power corrupts absolutely," depriving citizens  of liberty. We also know the Founders predominately held  a Christian worldview.  

Here's how Thomas Jefferson expressed it:

            "In questions of power, let no more be heard

            of confidence in man, but bind him down from

            mischief by the chains of the Constitution."

++We MUST fight to restore our birthright of liberty!

The Preamble to the United States Constitution declares,

            "We the people of the United States, in order

            to form a more perfect union, establish justice,

            insure domestic tranquility, provide for the

            common defense, promote the general welfare,

            and secure the blessings of liberty to

            ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and

            establish this Constitution for the United

            States of America."

Yet in recent months, Americans have watched in disgust as backroom deals, bribery, manipulation, and the President's  imperialistic style of leadership have forced unconstitutional  mandates and unwanted legislation down our collective throats.

We must not allow the Leftist's to subvert the Constitution in order to form a more "socialized" union!

Click here to sign the "Uphold the Constitution" Declaration:

I believe the "Uphold the Constitution" Declaration will resonate with Americans across our country and stir them  to take a firm stand for the original, inspired plan for  our nation's governance.

            Go here to sign the declaration and to receive

            your copy of "The Patriot's Handbook of American


THANK YOU for signing the Declaration and for your support of Liberty Counsel's many efforts to confront and turn back the enemies of liberty in this nation.  May God richly  bless you!

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel

P.S.  The radical Left's biggest obstacle in their outrageous plan to "transform" America is the Constitution of the United  States! The Constitution establishes checks and balances as a formidable wall blocking the road to excessive government expansion and to stop any president, legislature, or  judiciary from fundamentally changing our country.

We MUST demand that those who swore to "Uphold the Constitution" be held accountable to do exactly that! 

When you sign your Declaration, you will quickly receive a complimentary copy of our "Patriots' Handbook of American Liberty."  Click here to receive your copy of the Handbook:

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