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Fire Lt. Gen. Caldwell!

Robert Greenwald

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Caldwell is one of Petraeus' most important subordinates in Afghanistan, charged with training the Afghan National Security Forces. But in this position of power, he's abused his authority, using psychological warfare experts to seek "leverage" over U.S. officials, seeking "pressure points" to manipulate legislators into spending more money and lives on the failing Afghanistan War.

His staff sought ways to use psychological operations to secretly influence lawmakers without their knowledge, and when confronted by a subordinate fed up with their illegal behavior, Caldwell's spokesperson shouted, "It’s not illegal if I say it isn’t!"

Caldwell’s actions are disrespectful, dangerous and illegal. We need to alert our elected officials that tax dollars are being spent propagandizing them and let them know we support them when they take action to stop it. And, with Congress out of session for a district work week, it's up to us to speak out while this outrage is still in the news. Please sign our petition today to demand his immediate resignation. If he will not give it, the president should fire him.

If we get 10,000 or more signatures, we'll deliver our petition to the White House and Congress next week. Please sign our petition today.


Derrick Crowe, Robert Greenwald

and the Brave New Foundation team

Click here to watch the video

Watch the Video  | Call for Caldwell's Resignation

Feb. 24, 2011