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Jim Dean, Chair
 Democracy for America

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We're almost a week into protests and this is the largest demonstration of support for workers' rights yet.

The problem is with a 19-14 edge to Republicans in the Wisconsin State Senate, Gov. Walker has the votes to pass his budget proposal which would strip most Wisconsin unions of the right to protect workers and negotiate collectively for better wages and benefits for the struggling middle-class.

Except Governor Walker didn't count on one thing: The Senate needs a quorum of 20 Senators in the chamber to hold the vote. So guess what happened...

All 14 Wisconsin State Senate Democrats left the state.

If even one of these Democrats had remained in Wisconsin, the state police would have forcibly brought them to the state Capitol and the bill would have passed. So now they are holed up in another state with high stakes on the line over which side will cave first. That's why we absolutely must back these Senators up today.

Please contribute $14 to the Wisconsin State Democratic Committee right now and tell these 14 Hero Democrats to stand strong -- and never give up.

Similar attacks on Unions are being planned in Ohio, New Jersey, and at least 10 more states. How we win -- if we win -- may determine whether those attacks go forward.

We have a chance to stop them all right here, right now. D.O.A.

But to win, we must support the Heroes who are leading the resistance. Please contribute $14 to the Wisconsin State Senate Democratic Committee right now.

Thank you for everything you do.


Jim Dean, Chair

Democracy for America

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