We the People of Wisconsin Protest Your Bill, Gov. Walker

By Kelly Maddern

February 18, 2011  -- Wisconsin is seeing history being made this week in Madison. Newly elected Gov. Scott Walker has proposed a budget repair bill that negatively affects teachers and other state workers throughout Wisconsin. The bill would overturn a bargaining law that passed back in 1959, in which Wisconsin also became the birthplace of the national union that represented all non-federal public employees, according to an article published by BusinessWeek.com.

As a Wisconsin resident, surrounded by friends and families who are directly affected by this bill, I stand strongly against Walker getting his way with this bill. My small children are just entering school, and I completely support the teachers who are taking time away from the classroom to protest this unfair bill.

I grew up in Waupun, which is known to many as a prison town. There are several prisons from minimum to maximum security within the city limits and employs many of the residents in the area. These employees aren't in their field because of the pay, rather, they were attracted to the benefits... benefits that are being jeopardized by this bill. If it weren't for these benefits, the positions wouldn't be filled, as the pay is certainly not worth the thankless work they endure.

A family that is very special to our family has an autistic child that benefits greatly from the state-assisted program that provides therapy in their home. If this bill passes, the funds he needs to keep the program assistance will be lost.

My neighbors share their fears of losing their job due to this bill. Additional fears of foreclosures, bankruptcies, and unemployment flood their minds, at a time where we are already impacted by the economy.

I am proud of the Wisconsin Democratic senators for leaving the capitol in an effort to stop this bill from being passed. Though the Democratic senators and teachers are being criticized for leaving their jobs today, I applaud them for having our children and families around the state in mind during this drastic move. They aren't trying to run from the problem; they are putting their jobs on the line in an effort to help the thousands of other families around the state that will be affected.

We're facing a hard time here in Wisconsin, but I am optimistic that the people will be heard and Mr. Walker won't be able to single-handedly rule this state. Wisconsin residents always come together in the time of need, and we certainly need you now.

Kelly Maddern is a Waukesha, Wis., resident.